e l e v e n - c h i c k - f i l - a

497 19 7

Omg ive had this idea for so long and I'm so happy I finally get to use it YAY

Oh, uhm also, i didnt even realize that lilia was in england and atlanta, and then suddenly lilia was here too, so like shes not here anymore, shes still in england cuz my dumb self messed up lol


Finns POV

I feel like school is gonna be really awkward today, having Millie in all my classes, sitting next to me in all of them, and not having been at school for 3 days. Everyone knows I was suspended for beating up asher, but we'll see how it all goes...

I walk into the building and see her sitting down at a table, so I walk over her to try and talk to her. As I sit down, she notices me and turns away.

"Millie, please talk to me..." I say.


"Millie...i really just need some advice."

"on how to not snoop in your best friends stuff?" She snaps.

"yikes ok. I already told you how sorry I am. After you left I broke down in tears because I felt so bad." i say. Concern begins to grow on her face.

"Okay. Now I feel kinda bad for getting so mad, but that doesnt subside from the fact that you snooped, so I'm still upset, but I'll listen." She says.

"Okay so here's the thing...i wanna take this one girl to the winter ball..." I lead.

"Yeah, I wouldn't suggest coming to me for girl advice." She says.

"No but like I need your help. Please." i ask. She nods. "okay, so I've known her for a bit now, and she seems super cool."

"ok...well I've already told you what id want but like it isn't me, so it kinda depends on who it is..." she says. "do I know her?"

"mhm" I reply. quite well...

"Ok well then it's either Sadie, sophia, or Lizzy. I know they all like candy a lot. Dont ask lizzy though if that was your intent because I'm pretty sure gaten is asking her." she responds. I nod. "Maybe a poster with a pun with like her favorite candy??"

"Ok thank you Mills." I smile.

"I'm still upset." She smiles back, but at the same time looking annoyed. "if you wanted to get me chick fil a though, I wouldn't be upset with you anymore." She smirks.



Millie's POV

We've been to all our classes and it is finally lunch...

"Hey mills!" finn shouts from the end of the hallway.


"So I have one more thing about the girl I wanna ask to the dance..." he says.

"Ok?" I question.

"So me and her are in a bit of a situation right now...we're kinda fighting and i absolutely hate that..." He explains.

"So are you just not gonna ask her?" I ask.

"No im going to...it's just...well..." He says, trailing off, and beginning to cough. Suddenly, Caleb comes in, holding a poster and a bag of chick fil a. The poster reads 'will you come be my chick at the winter ball?'

"Wait what?"

"Mills, will you go with me to the winter ball?" He asks me, smiling really big.

"Hold on, hold on... I-"

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