t h i r t e e n - b e a u t i f u l

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Somebody message me to rant about jackden because i have some words

Please read the a/n at the bottom when youre finished reading!


Finn’s POV

Millie has been in the bathroom for a really long time. I don’t know what could be happening. I decide to go out into the hallway to look for her.

“Millie?” I say. “Millie!” I yell. “Mi-” I begin, but start to take notice of Millie. Her wig is gone.

“Millie, are you ok?” I ask.

“Does it look like I’m ok, Finn?” She says, lifting her face up, revealing her mascara all over her face. “The winter ball is going on and I’m in the hallway, bald, crying, and with my makeup running everywhere. Yes, Finn, I’m great.” She sobs.

“Millie, you don’t need the wig.”

“Yes I do, Finn! I am so freaking ugly. I know it, you know it, Sadie knows it, Noah knows it, everybody knows it Finn.” She sobs into my shoulder.

“Millie. You are not ugly. You are so freaking beautiful, all the girls here should be jealous.” I say. She looks up at me and gives a small smile.

“But my wig, I-” She starts, while touching her head.

“You don’t need it.”

“I’m still pretty?”

“Yeah, pretty. Really pretty.” I say, causing her to blush.

“Guys come on! Stop crying, and let’s go dance!” Gaten says, interrupting the moment we were sharing.

“I’ll be right in.” Millie says. “I’m just gonna go wash all of this off of my face.” I nod, and walk into where everyone else is.

As I walk in, a slow song by Cyndi Lauper is playing. It’s about halfway through. I see Caleb asking Sadie to dance, Gaten asking Lizzy to dance and she’s gladly saying yes. Then I look over to see Noah being asked if he wants to dance, but he- turns her down?

“Noah why did you say no? You’re the only one without a date! That was your chance.” I say, hitting him on the back of the head.

“Finn, I-” He starts. “I turned her down be-because I’m gay…” He says.

“You’re what?!”

“I’m gay. I’m sorry if that makes our friendship super awkward or anything. I don’t like you like that or anything...I just like...guys.” He explains. “That’s why I didn’t ask anyone to the dance.”

“Well I don’t see you any differently.” I smile.

“Thank you.” He says, hugging me. Suddenly another slow song comes on. Every Breath You Take, by The Police. As soon as it comes on, Millie walks into the ballroom, looking beautiful.

“I’m nervous.” She says, looking around the room.

“Don’t be. You look beautiful.” I say. “Do you wanna dance?” I ask. She nods and we walk to the middle of the floor and begin to dance. I kinda got lost in her eyes.


After the dance we all decide to sleep over at Gaten’s house. He has a really big house so we thought it would be good. We all checked with our parents to make sure it was ok, and they were all ok with it.

“Okay, before we start doing anything, I want to tell you all something.” Noah says. I look at him with a look saying ‘are you sure’ and he nods.

“I-I’m gay.”

“Really?” Gaten says.

“That’s cool!” Sadie smiles.

“Fun.” Caleb says.

“Cool!” Lizzy says.

“Congrats? I think that’s what you say in these kinds of situations.” Millie says causing us all to laugh.

“Yeah, that’s why I didn’t ask anyone to the dance.” He says.

“Ok, well we still love you to death dude.” Gaten smiles.

“Thanks.” Noah smiles back.

“Guys we should make milkshakes!” Sadie says. (pretend shes not vegan haha)

“Dude yes. I’ll get the ice cream and the blender.” Gaten says, running to the kitchen.

“Don’t forget the milk part!” Millie shouts.

“Right!” Gaten shouts back.


“Truth or dare?” Sadie asks.

“Dare.” Gaten says.

“I dare you to go into that closet with Lizzy for 3 minutes.” She smirks. Lizzy and Gaten both turn super red. “You’re allowed to have the light on so that you can see eachother. I’m not a monster.”

“Uh-I-um, Lizzy, do you wanna- uh-”

“Why not?” She says, smiling awkwardly and standing up, grabbing gaten’s hand.

“Don’t get too spoicy in there!” Caleb shouts, causing us all to laugh.

3 minutes is up, and Lizzy and gaten come out of the closet. Gaten has light pink lipstick marks all over his lips and jaw.

“Lizzy! What’s on your neck?!” Millie gasps. Lizzy pulls out her phone to see a big hickey on her neck.

“GATEN MATARAZZO!” She says, hitting him lightly on the arm.


“So things got kinda spoicy in there?” Noah says, causing them both to turn bright red again.

“Ok, Finn! Truth or dare?” Gaten says.


“I dare you to get in that chicken costume and run around the neighborhood screaming ‘BOCK BOCK BOCK!’” Gaten smiles deviously.

“Why the hell do you have a chicken costume?” Millie asks.

“You don’t know everything about my life, Millie.” Gaten replies.

Soon enough, I’m in a chicken costume, being pushed outside.

“BOCK BOCK BOCK BOCK!” I say, running around the neighborhood. Everyone is standing in the doorway, cracking up, especially Millie.


“So what movie do you guys wanna watch?” Noah asks, while him and Gaten look through the movies.

“Do you have High school musical?” Sadie asks, and all the boys groan.

“Well yes, but only because Sabrina loves it. But we are not watching it.” Gaten replies.

“But Gaten it-”

“AH! NOT watching it!” He interrupts.

After a while we finally decide on a movie.

About halfway through, I look over and I see Millie’s head resting on my shoulder. Today at the dance was weird. But like a good weird. I feel like I might have feelings for Millie. I don’t want to...she’s my best friend. But i feel like feelings are just starting to come up. I don’t know...she just- she just makes me so happy.

i might like millie as more than best friends.



Please go check out my new story! Its called ‘help’ and im really excited about it. Atm it only has 1 read and thats emma who kinda helped me write it so it doesn’t rly count lol. Im really excited about it and i want you guys to read it, so please go read it because i dont wanna have to stop writing it!

Unconditionally // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now