s e v e n t e e n - a m b u l a n c e

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Millie’s POV

Today my mom is going job hunting so she can’t take me to school, so I text Finn to see if he can pick me up.

Mills: hey can you pick me up today? My mom is job hunting

Finnie: yeah sure

Mills: thanks :)

About 30 minutes later, Finn gets to my house. I hear him knock on the door, so I go to answer it.

“Hey.” I smile.

“Hey. You ready?” Finn asks. I nod, grab my backpack, and we head out to the car.

“How are you feeling?” He asks.

“Better, but still a bit woozy.” I say.

He nods. “Yeah. If there is anything I can do to help you, tell me.” He smiles.


Finn’s POV

I notice Millie getting more and more tired as the day goes on. Not in a sleepy way, but just run down. Like she can’t do anything.

“Mills, are you ok?” I ask.

“Yeah, why?”

“You just seem super run down. I’m worried about you.” I say.

“Yeah. You’ve seemed a bit off all day.” Sadie says.

“I’m fine. No need to worry.” She smiles.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yep.” Millie says. I nod, and we continue walking. Suddenly she falls to the ground.

“MILLIE!” Sadie screeches.

“Oh my gosh Millie.” I say, falling to the ground by her side.

“Why isn’t she talking!!??” Sadie panics.

“I don’t know, but we need to call an ambulance.” I say, as I dial 911.

Soon the ambulance comes and lifts her up into the back.

“You can both come in the back if you want.” One of the men says as he loads Millie into the ambulance.

“Let’s go.” Sadie says, while getting into the back, sitting next to Millie. I stand there for a second, kinda afraid to go in. “Finn! Come on! Get in.”

“I’m scared.” I admit.

“Why?!” Sadie questions.

“Because...I...I think I like her and I don’t want to see her in pain.” I say.

“Aww that’s cuteeeee.” Sadie sighs. “We can talk about it once you get in. I promise you will want to be with her, because she would want you here.”

“Okay...” I say, while jumping into the ambulance.

“Hold on. I’m gonna tell the others where we went.” Sadie says.

Suddenly a text comes through on our group chat.

Sadie: hey guys. something weird happened with millie and finn and i are going to the hospital right now

Noah: omg is she ok?

Lizzy: oh noo

Gaten: yeah, can we come visit?

Sadie: sure. We arent there yet so we dont know the room number, but we will text you when we do

Caleb: k we will get there asap

Unconditionally // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now