t h r e e - h a i r

719 24 39

Millie's POV

"Good morning, mom." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning, sweetie. You ready for your first day of school tomorrow?" She asks.

"I guess..." I say. I look down, and see something on my pillow. "OH MY GOSH!" I gasp.

"What's wrong honey?" Mom asks worriedly.

"Mom- m-" I tear up, and begin to sob.

"What!? Are you feeling ok?!" She says, running over to me.

"Mom- it's- it's-" I can't finish my sentence because I break down in full tears.

"What is i-" She stops talking as she looks down to my pillow and sees clumps of my hair. "Oh honey..."


"Calm down, hun. I know it's horrible, but you knew it was gonna happen sooner or later..." She sighs. "I can't think of how we can deal with it though..."

"I really would rather not have my hair falling out in chunks at school..." I say quietly.

"Here. Put on a hat for today when we go out, and then we will figure something out for tomorrow."

I let out a sigh. "Fine." I say, getting up to change. I change into a loose floral shirt, and some jeans. Then I put on a maroon baseball cap, and head out to the living room. I plop down on the couch and go on my phone.

"Honey come on! We've gotta go to target for your school stuff." Mom calls.

"Okay!" I say, getting up from the couch to find another clump of hair. I begin to tear up, but pick it up and throw it in the trash trying to forget about it.


"Okay, so what do we need based on your supply list?" Mom asks.

"Ummm... For Mrs. Ryder's class, we need some colored pencils." I say.

"Mrs. Ryder?" A girl says.


"Mrs. Ryder? Is she one of your teachers?" The girl asks.

"Um, yes?" I reply.

"Oh! You're going to Madison High?" She asks. I nod. "Cool! My name is Sadie!" The redhead smiles, offering her hand to shake. I smile back and shake her hand.

"I'm Millie."

"I like your accent! Do you know anyone who's going to the school, Millie?" Sadie asks. I shake my head no. "You can totally hang out with me and my friends! Meet us by the lunch tables at 8!"

"Okay." I smile.

"See you tomorrow!" She smiles, and walks away.

"Wouldja look at that! You already have a friend!" My mom smiles.

"I have someone to hang out with on the first day. Once she finds out that I have cancer I bet she'll be grossed out by me." I say.

"Stop saying that! People are gonna love you for you. If they don't like you just because you have cancer then you wouldn't want them to like you anyway because they wouldn't be good people." Mom says.

"I guess that's true. I'm just worried that I will be talking to them and my hair will fall out and they will all freak out..." I say, and we continue shopping.

On our way home we go to starbucks and get some drinks.

"Hi. Can I get a grande vanilla soy latte?" I ask.

"And for you?" The barista gestures to my mom.

"I'll just get an iced coffee please." Mom asks.

"Alright, that'll be 7 dollars and 82 cents." He says. My mom hands him her card, he slides it, and we go sit down to wait for our drinks.

"Order for Kelly!"

"Yay!" I squeal, going to grab my drink.

"Hey, Mom?" I say.


"Do you see that hair salon out there?" I say, pointing to the parking lot. She nods. "I think I know how we can make my hair not be falling out at school."

"How?" She asks.

"Can we go in there and get my head shaved?"

"Are you serious?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'd rather it all come out at once, then me have to watch it all slowly fall out of my head." I explain.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?" She says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah. Positive. It'd be better for the first day of school anyway. I'd rather be completely bald then balding." I say.

"Okay." She says, getting up from her seat. We walk out the door and go to the hair salon across the street. It smells really good. Like shampoo, and hairspray.

"Hello! Welcome to Stylez! I'm Veronica. How can I help you?" The hair lady says.

"Hi! My daughter would like a haircut." My mom says.

"Okay, come and sit over here." She says, bringing me to a chair. "So how short do you want it?" She asks.

"To the scalp?"


"I wanna shave my head." I say.

"Um, are you sure?" Veronica questions.

"Positive." I say, smiling.

"Uh, ok." She says, pulling out an electric razor and setting it on the vanity. She begins to split my hair into little ponytails all over my head. Once she finishes putting it in ponytails, she clips off each ponytail. I cringed every time. I can't believe I'm cutting off my hair...

"Okay... You ready?" Veronica asks. I nod nervously. Why am I nervous? I already got most of it chopped off. Suddenly I hear something.


Then out of nowhere, something touches my head and begins to cut off my hair, buzzing it to the scalp.

5 minutes later...

"All done!" She says, smiling nervously.

"Thank you!" I say. "I actually love it! It makes me look super badass, like I have cool telekinetic powers." I smile.

"Okay, well I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you so much, Veronica." My mom says, handing her her credit card.

"Bye!" Veronica says, as we walk out the door.

"So you actually like it?" Mom asks.

"Actually yeah. It feels like a weight off of my head. I'm still a bit worried about what the kids at school might say..."

"It'll be fine. You have Sadie." She says while getting into the car.


I know the chapters have been super short lately, so I'm sorry about that, but the next chapter is gonna be Millie going to school and meeting the party (and finn ehe) so get excited for that.

Also, I have an instagram if you didn't know. "milevenseggos353" same as on here, sooo yeah :)

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