s i x - t e x t s

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Millie's POV

We are driving to Finn's house and he turns on the radio.

I wanted you.

But you didn't want me.

"Good lord! Heaven knows I'll bandage up!" Finn sings. "Iiii wanted youuuuu. But you didn't want me."

"Woah! You can sing!" I say.

"Huh? Oh... I guess..." He blushes.

"No, you're really good!" I smile.

"Thanks." He says, pulling into the driveway.

We get out of the car, go inside, and sit on the couch.

"Soooo..." Finn says.


"What do you wanna do?" He asks.

"I came over to hear you play guitar, so what do you think I wanna do?" I laugh.

"Duh." He says, smacking his face with his hand.

We head upstairs and I sit down on his bed, while he goes to get his guitar. He brings it out from his closet. It's white with a colorful logo.

"Are the colors on that logo thing for a band here or something?" I ask, pointing to the colors.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

"What band?" I ask.

He pauses for a second. "Mine." He says. "Calpurnia. It's a band I'm in."

"YOU'RE IN A BAND THAT'S BRILLIANT!" I exclaim, jumping off of the bed.

"Ok, ok. It's not that big of a deal." He laughs.

"Well who's in the band?" I ask, still smiling huge.

"My friends Jack, Malcolm, and Ayla." He says. I notice him blush a teensy bit when he says Ayla.

"Ayla?" I ask. He nods. "A girl? Does Finnie have a crush?"

"Finnie?" He laughs. I nod.

"You're avoiding the question!" I say, pouting.

"No, I don't... Not really anyway." He says.

"Finn, it's ok. It's not like any of our school friends know them since they just found out that you play today. You can tell me literally everything. Consider me your personal vent person. You can vent to me anytime you need." I smile.

"Ok. I don't want to put more stuff on your plate though. You're already dealing with so much, I wouldn't wa-" Finn says. I interrupt him.

"Finn, I can handle it. As long as I can vent to you too."

He nods, and continues. "I don't have an actual crush on Ayla, but all of our friends from Toronto shipped us all the time. I mean, yeah she's really pretty, and sweet, and funny. I'm just not looking for a relationship right now." He says. I nod. "Anything you need to-"

"Hold on." I say, as my phone buzzes showing a text alert.

Unknown: Cancer girl. How could you already make friends, when you look like a literal boy, and you're just diseased.

Finn's POV

Millie looks down at her phone to read a text. I notice that she begins to turn red, and a tear falls from her eye.

"Mills? Are you ok?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh, uh yeah. I just need to use the bathroom." She says wiping her tears.

"First door down the hall on the right." I say. Suddenly her phone buzzes and lights up again. The last text made her really upset, so I went to her phone to erase the message so that she wouldn't see it.

Unknown: You're just a waste of flesh. What is even the point of using up those extra cells when they're just gonna die quicker than intended.

I look at the phone with a mixture of confusion and anger. How could someone speak to her like that? It's not her fault that she has this. She is beautiful even without her hair. What an ass. I need to find out who this person is.

"Finn?" I hear a voice chime behind me.

"What?" I say, throwing her phone across to the other side of the bed.

"Finn why were you on my phone?" She asks. I can kinda see the anger building up in her eyes.

"It's just- I noticed that you were upset last time you looked at your phone, so I went to delete it. Mills, that person is a literal ass. You don't deserve any of wha-"

"Finn seriously?! You couldn't just give me my own privacy? I came over here to hear you play your guitar and you decide to look through my messages?" She yells.

"No Millie! I-"

"No! Save it, Finn! You looked through my private stuff. You don't think that I can deal with my own problems myself, so you go to just delete them? Some friend you are." She says, walking out slamming the door.

I feel so bad. I shouldn't have did what I did. I'm such a horrible friend. I-

My thoughts are interrupted by hearing a thump on the stairs.

"MILLIE?! ARE YOU OK?" I say, running out of my room. I see her lying on the second flight of stairs, eyes closed, completely passed out. "OH MY GOSH MILLIE!" I say, beginning to cry. If I hadn't gone to delete that message, she never would have stormed out and fallen. Shit shit shit shit.

I pull out my phone and dial 911.


"She's completely unconscious." A paramedic says, pulling her onto a stretcher.

"We need to hurry, and get her to the hospital ASAP!" Another paramedic says.

I follow all of them out, who are wheeling Millie on a stretcher.

"You aren't allowed on unless you are closely related."

"Uhhh.... Does best friend count?" I ask. I know we're not best friends yet and she's currently really mad at me, but I have to be on this ambulance to be with her. 

"Fine." The paramedic says, gesturing me on. I get onto the ambulance and sit by Millie.

"Please be ok. Please be ok." I say, closing my eyes, holding onto one of her hands.


Oof that was kinda a sad chapter... Sorry for that... also sorry that it was short...

Y'all think you're getting some "romantic" fillie content soon?

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