t e n - w i g

471 18 12

Y'all are probably gonna be mad at me after this


Millie's POV

“Mom?” I say after Finn left.

“Yes?” My mom says, turning towards me.

“Can we go to the wig store?” I ask.

“What?” She questions.

“I kinda miss my hair and I wanna get a wig.” I lie.

The note that that person put in my locker made me realize how ugly I am without my hair. Sadie says I rock it and Finn says I'm not ugly, but I don't really believe them. I just feel so...ugly, disgusting, and unwanted without my hair. I feel like nobody actually loves me.

“I mean, I guess so.” she replies.

We go outside to get in the car.

“So what color are you wanting?” mom asks.

“Just my normal brown color. I don't wanna make it crazy. I just...miss my hair.” I lie again. Just thinking about what the person said about me makes me tear up. The words just keep repeating in my head.

‘ew. Bald freak. How do you have friends? Gosh. Grow some hair.’

We get to the wig store. I pick out my wig, put it on and we leave. It feels kinda weird to have hair again. I honestly loved the feeling of my head being bald, but people said i was ugly…and i was.


“WOAH MILLIE!” Sadie screeches, noticing my hair.


“UM HELLOOOOO?!” She says, gesturing to my head.

“Oh yeah. I went to the wig shop and bought a wig.”

“No kidding. Why?” Sadie asks  

“someone sa- I missed my hair.” I lie.

“Mills. I'm your best friend. Besides Finn.” she smirks, “You can tell me.”

“nothing to tell.” I say. She rolls her eyes in disbelief, but I notice Finn walking over to us, almost looking upset. Sadie notices and let's us be. She knows that when Finn seems upset with someone, he needs to be alone with them.

“Wha-” he leads. “Millie why?”

“I missed my old hair.”

“Millie. We both know that's not the reason.”

“Finn, it's nothing. Really.” I respond.


Finns POV

Millie had to stay in our last class for a few minutes to get some things, so I headed out to lunch. As I was walking to our table, my phone went ding!

Mills: hey will you get my lunch out of my locker and bring it to the table for me? My combo is 11 08 35. Thanks :))

Finnie: sure

I go to millie's locker and twist the locky thing. It opens and a crumpled up piece of paper falls out. The one from yesterday. I know I shouldn't do this...but I open it up. She looked kinda hurt by it and I absolutely hate seeing her hurt.

‘ew. Bald freak. How do you have friends? Gosh. Grow some hair. -anonymous’

By this point I can feel my blood boiling. The first person who I can think of who would do it is Jack.

Unconditionally // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now