f i f t e e n - s h i p

456 17 14

I'm literally so dumb. I forgot sophia was in this story now. Let's just pretend she went on vacation lol.


Millie's POV

They both gasp, "YOU WHAT?" Lizzy screams.

"Well duh. Isn't it obvious?" Sadie says, acting not phased by the fact that I just said I might like finn.

"What?" I question.

"You guys obviously like each other...do you even see how they look at eachother?" Sadie asks Lizzy.

"I guess I didn't pay much attention to that." Lizzy laughs.

"Spend too much time staring at gaten?" I tease. Lizzy hits my shoulder and giggles a little.

"Ok whatever." She rolls her eyes. "Back onto you and Finn!"

"Ok ok. So just recently he's been so sweet and funny and stuff. He's just my best friend, but since the dance, I've kinda started to look at him...differently." I admit.

"AWWW!" Lizzy squeals. "I did notice you sleeping on his shoulder last night."

"Yeah, we've just always done that though." I reply.

"Last night though, when those girls took your wig, he seemed extremely upset when he couldn't find you." Sadie says, and Lizzy nods.

"Like he was upset with me?" I ask.

"No, like he was sad because he couldn't find you." She continues. "He seemed like really concerned."

"Yeah, but he's always been protective of me...remember when he punched that Jack Grazer dude because he was texting me all of those mean things?" I ask.

"True. He just seemed concerned in a...different way." Sadie says.

"Wait, didn't he pick you up bridal style one time for like a mile or something?" Lizzy suggests.

"Oh yeah!" Sadie chimes.

"Well yeah, but that is because I literally have cancer and I couldn't breathe so he picked me up." I say. "He was just concerned."

"Why are you in denial that he might like you? Isn't that what you want, seeing as how you like him?" Lizzy asks.

"Ok, I didn't say I did for sure! I said I think I might." I say.

Sadie rolls her eyes. "Ok fine. Let's make a pros and cons list."

"Ok pros: He's really sweet, funny, caring, affectionate, crazy, cute-"

"CUTE!" Lizzy squeals.

"I HEARD A CUTE!" Sadie screeches.

"OK OK FINE! Yes he's cute, but that doesn't mean I like him." I deny.

"Ok, fine. Cons?" Sadie says.

"Ok cons...umm..." I say, while pausing for a good 10 seconds.

I literally can't think of anything.

"Do do do do do do do do do do do do dododododo do do do do-"

"Sadie stop singing the jeopardy song oh my gosh." I say, causing both girls to laugh.

"But you can't think of anything, Millie!" Lizzy smiles.

"Yeah, but I just don't want to like him in that way. He's my best friend and I know he doesn't feel the same way, so what's the point in liking him?" I say.

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