Chapter 16 - Graveyard Shift

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My mind decided to have its cruel way with me as I attempted to focus on my quiz. Ideas and memories began to merge as one while I mentally drifted back to the Torture Garden. A twist formed in my abdomen as I recalled that masked girl Chris had bound to the table. I wondered just what would have happened if I had been in her place. How would I have reacted?

I blinked rapidly to try to clear my mind's eye as my cheeks became hot. I began to chant to myself as a reminder, 'He's just your friend. He's just your friend.'

With that I forced myself to focus on my school work. I would be seeing Chris right after this and the last thing I needed on my mind was thoughts of him making my skin sting.

Yet somehow, as Chris and I made our way to the cemetery, my brain was at it again. I had tried to suggest to Chris that we just hold off till the weekend since the quiz kept me from getting out of class until later than I had expected, but he insisted that we do it now. I kept my attention on the late afternoon sky as we hurried along the sidewalk.

"So, did you ever get to see the face of that girl you had with you?" I asked since I couldn't get it out of my head.

Chris shook his head, "I didn't, which was honestly such a waste. She seemed like a great submissive."

I felt my eyebrow twitch as my mouth twisted slightly. I was annoyed that his statement had irked me. I truly needed to get control of my emotions.

"Why do you seem so irritated by that?"

"How do I act irritated?" I ask raising an eyebrow, trying to play it off.

He grins and then starts listing things off, "You're getting defensive, it's written all over your face, and you're kind of giving me the impression that nothing would make you happier than to hit me right upside the head."

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "You're ridiculous. We've only talked about her twice."

"But am I wrong?"

"That hitting thing is getting really tempting if I'm honest."

Chris laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows, but his expression evened back out a minute later, "But seriously, why do you get mad?"

I let out a laugh of disbelief, "Why do you care either way?"

"I'm just curious."

"I guess because you are basing whether or not you want to be with a stranger on how well she submits to you."

"Amber, I'm not saying I want to date her."

"There's a difference?" I question as my eyebrows scrunch together.

"Yes, there is."

"So, you just want to fuck her?"

He chuckled as he shook his head, "Not everything in BDSM has to do with sex."

"Oh." Is all I can think to say. His lifestyle is truly confusing sometimes.

"I can't decide if how naïve you are about all of this is more sad or adorable."

"How would that be adorable?"

He only shook his head as he smirked to himself, remaining silent after that.

The longer we were out here the colder it got, but then I saw the cemetery just down the road. It was a huge graveyard, putting me in mind of an overpacked city with all the tombstones inside of it. I let out a small sigh, we were going to be out here forever.

"I'm going to turn into a popsicle before we even find anything." I mutter as I tug my coat tighter around my throat.

"We'll be as quick as we can." He reassures me as we approach the cemetery gates and when he went to open it; the door wouldn't budge. Chris let out a frustrated sigh, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

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