Chapter 8 - Fright Night

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My insides gave an uncomfortable twist as we made our way up to Blake and Cody's dorm. I truly hoped that this wouldn't make things worse between me and Lea. We've had our disagreements in the past and we have always gotten through them, I hope that this will resolve itself just as quickly as the others have. 

I was glad to see that everyone else was friendly with Chris when we stepped into the room, but I also noticed that Lea hung back with her new friend Kamaria. Even though she kept glancing over at me, Lea made no attempt to speak to me. I should've figured that Blake's plan probably wouldn't work. 

That didn't seem to deter Blake from being the person that he is, the one always trying to fix things for everybody else. He made sure that Chris and I sat close to Lea and kept starting up conversations, attempting to pull all of us in. Lea, of course, didn't fall for any of it, but thankfully she didn't get up and move from her spot like I feared she might. 

"Are you serious? A cult?" Lea questions Kamaria and it instantly grabs my interest.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it either, but my brother apparently does since he's involved with it." Kamaria explains with a shrug.

"What is there to even worship about that sort of awful thing?"

"I honestly think it's closer to devil worship than it is of the murder themselves. Supposedly, the Ripper comes back in a different person each time. It's apparently a demon that possesses someone that is going through a hard time, emotionally. Everyone they've ever caught for copycat murders has been having some sort of intense crisis."

"Well, obviously their going through some stuff if they're going around killing people." Lea mutters. 

"It might sound insane, but the members believe that if the Ripper ever finally succeeds..." 

Before I could hear the rest of Kamaria's story, Blake's booming voice interrupts her, saying that he was about to put the first movie on. A hush fell over the room, but my thoughts remained loud in my head. Maybe since this cult Kamaria mentioned follows along with the murders, they might have some clue as to who is committing them this time. 

I gazed over at Chris and wondered if I had been wrong. What if he was capable of something like that? Every time I've watched news stories relating to murders, everyone that knew them said that they never expected something so terrible to come out of that person. It could be the same way with Chris, he could be hiding a monster inside of him, no demons required.

After a while I was able to focus on the movie everyone else was engrossed in, but I quickly snapped out of it when Chris leaned into my side. My heartbeat skipped for a second and I did my best to ignore it as I kept my eyes focused on the screen. Something in the back of my head begged me to steal a peek at Lea to see what she thought of this, but I had a feeling that I would find her looking unpleased.

I glanced over at Blake to find him stuffing his face full of popcorn and candy, he was taking the term 'movie night' a little too seriously. I couldn't resist smirking at the silly sight, but I instantly became distracted when Chris rested his arm on my leg. I decided to hell with it before tucking myself into Chris's side and attempted to catch up with the movie's story line. 

We ended up watching three movies before everyone decided to call it a night. Some had even began yawning during the last half an hour of the movie that we had just finished. 

"Do you want me to walk you back to the train station?" I ask Chris as we get up from the floor and stretch out our limbs.

"Sure, I would love the company."

That was when Lea finally decided to speak to me. "Are you sure you want to be walking back by yourself this late at night?"

"I'll go with them." Blake volunteers, seeming to be aware of the tension in the air.

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