Chapter 3 - Already Here

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I hated that even two weeks later I still thought about that night in The Whipping House. A part of me wished that I had a way to get back into that place, just to see if William might be there again. I snapped out of my thoughts when class was let out, thankful that I hadn't seemed to have missed much. On my way back to the dorm room I ran into Mackenzie.

"Hey you." She greeted me with a smile.


"So, I was thinking that we should go out tonight." She tells me and when she sees the look of disinterest I give her, she quickly adds. "It's a concert, come on I know you'll love it."

"Who's going to be playing?"

"The only band I know is Motionless in White."

"I've never heard of them."

"You will love them, I promise."

"I don't know..."

She cuts me off, "Please? When have I ever given you a bad music recommendation?"

I let out a sigh admitting, "Never."

She grinned at that as she asked, "So will you go?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Sweet!" She cheered as she gave me a quick hug, making me chuckle. "Let's go get ready for the show!"

Mackenzie rushed me back to our dorm room, finding Lea in the middle of writing a paper. When she saw the frenzied state Kenzie dug through the wardrobe she stopped typing.

"What are you two up to?"

Mackenzie tossed me a pair of my faded black skinny jeans as she explains, "There's a concert going on just down the road. Do you want to come with us?"

"What kind of music is playing?"

She had to think over it for a moment as she rifled through some shirts before finally saying, "Rock for the most part."

Lea shook her head even though Mackenzie wasn't looking at her, that was definitely not her type of music. "I'm good."

She shrugged before motioning me over to her questioning, "Do you want to wear this one?"

I took the t-shirt from her, seeing that it was my 'It Dies Today' shirt. When I nodded she swiftly started searching for her own outfit. I left her to it and went to the bathroom to change and freshen up a bit.

When I came back out I found her peering in the mirror and she glanced at me whining, "I wish I had a nose ring like you. It would be so cute."

I laughed, "How about we see if we can find you somewhere to get one after the concert?"

A bright smile took over her face as she nodded enthusiastically.

"I swear by the time we get back to Kentucky, you both are going to be different people," Lea mumbles as she pulls her chair back towards the computer.

The momentary drop in my facial expression didn't go unnoticed by Mackenzie as she hands me my coat saying, "Come on, we don't want to be late."

Lea must have caught on to the change in the atmosphere because she instantly began to backtrack her words. "Not that it's all a bad thing. Change can be great."

I nodded along, trying my best to appear agreeable. We all knew that it was still bothering me regardless. I put on my boots and Mackenzie was swift about getting me out of the dorm room after that.

"You know she didn't mean anything bad by that, right?" I asked as we got on the elevator.

"Yeah, I know, but it just felt uncalled for. She knows not to say stuff like that."

No Control (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now