Chapter 4 - Twin Flames

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Chris came back with a coat and scarf on a few minutes later. Remnants of the black eyeliner he had on earlier left smoky rings around his eyes, making them look even brighter. His hair was combed to the side, causing some of the bangs I hadn't known he had to fall onto his pale forehead. Even in this dressed down state he was still handsome.

He buttoned up his coat before speaking, "So, are you girls ready to head out?"

"We sure are." Mackenzie states with a nod.

"Let's go through the back, it'll be easier to get out of here."

We followed Chris through the backstage area and he waved goodbye to his bandmates before opening the door to let us out. It led into a dark alley way and we waisted no time hurrying for the lit street.

"You two don't sound like you're from around here. Are you here on vacation?" Chris asked.

It didn't take me long to realize that Mackenzie wasn't going to answer, so I had to. "We're actually here as foreign exchange students for a few months to help get our literature degree's."

His eyebrow perked up as he questioned, "You like to read?"

"I love it actually."

He nodded in approval. "So, where are you from?"


"You're American too? I live up in Pennsylvania."

Mackenzie then finally decided to join back in the conversation, "Isn't that where Hersey chocolate comes from? Do you get it for free just by living in the state?

He shook his head and gave a laugh, "Yes, it is where it's from, but it's sadly a no on the free chocolate."

Just down the street I spotted a tattoo parlor and gently tapped Mackenzie's shoulder before pointing it out. She picked up her pace, clearly out of excitement, and she was the first to step into the shop.

As soon as I followed in behind her I heard a man speaking loudly. "They can't be serious! I tattooed that girl a week ago! Turn that up!"

"Just this morning another body has been discovered in the White Chapel area. Stacy Anders, twenty-one, was found just like the previous victim. Authorities are still searching for a possible suspect at this time." The news reporter informed the camera with a look of anguish and concern.

"You know, I heard that they found the last girl with her throat slit and her insides on the pavement. It's fucking sick." The receptionist remarked as she turned the TV back down.

"How do you even know that?" The tattoo artist asked.

"My cousin is helping out with the case and he tells me things." She says with a shrug.

"Is it that creepy wanker with the long hair?"

She nodded, "One in the same."

"Yeah, that'll go over really well." He muttered before finally turning his attention to us. "What can I do for you guys?"

"I was wanting to get my nose pierced." Mackenzie tells him, pointing to her left nostril.

"Sounds simple enough. Come on back here."

Kenzie followed him, while Chris and I hung back to stay out of the way. I peered over at him, taking note of the fact he appeared tense. He must have felt my eyes on him because he glanced over at me a second later.

"Are you alright?" I asked since I knew it was a better idea than continuing to wordlessly stare at him.

"Yeah, needles just make me nervous."

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