Elody cracked a smile, seeing me this way. "I don't think I've seen this version of Ava before. Well, I really like her," she shrugged.

"I don't think I've seen her this happy before," Mr. Mills said, awestruck. "I'm a miracle worker."

"I thought you met two minutes and fifty-six seconds ago," Elody said, confused.

"Well, three minutes forty-four now," I said, jumping to his rescue.

Seriously guys, subscribe. I'm so worth it.

"Anyway, I'm going to leave you girls to it and start making dinner. You staying over, Ava?" Mr. Mills said, obviously wanting to escape before he could screw things up further. He and Mr. Kessler were absolutely hopeless when it came to protecting the splits' secrets. I honestly had no clue how they'd survived before I came along.

"No, thank you, Mr. Mills," I said politely, keeping up the stranger act. If this were Holly, I'd have opened their fridge and grabbed whatever I wanted, propped my legs up on the couch and jammed to some P!ATD but oh well.

Once Mr. Mills was out of earshot, Elody's expression turned stoic. "That's the happiest he's been all day. I think you're the real miracle worker around here," she said, genuinely pleased with me.

"We met five minutes and thirty two seconds ago, so I doubt I had a profound effect on his life or anything, Elody," I said, working that Ava magic again.

On next week's episode, we will be discussing moral compasses and how you shouldn't have them because they're just obstructions from your happy, lie-filled environment.

"No, really, though, did you tell him a pun or something? He loves those," she said excitedly.

"Yeah, I did. That's exactly what I do with all my non-existent friends' parents to get them to like me. Just tell them a pun and boom- everyone loves me!" I said sarcastically.

Elody rolled her eyes, and in that moment looked so much like Holly that I was scared I was getting closer and closer to making her a monster.

"Anyway, Ted tells me that you told the kids at the bookstore a fantastic story about Snow White," she said, getting down to business.

"Wait, Ted said that?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of his name.

"Really? That's all you got from that?" She asked. That's it, I ruined her. She's a monster.

"Answer the bloody question," I snapped, making Elody giggle.

Oh my God, she was such a precious little kitten. Monster? No way. Not yet, at least. Just a spark of Holly in there, that's all.

"Yes, he said he's going to marry you and the two of you are going to have three kids. Two girls and one boy. He really wants to name the boy Ted Jr., but I told him you'd never let that happen."

"Haha, very funny. Now tell me what he really said," I said, chuckling.

This made her laugh extremely hard and I just wanted to record her laugh so that I could listen to it forever and forever because oh my it was so pretty.

"Elody," I whined.

"Can you guys please just cut this out and get together again? It's so dumb because you obviously still love each other and as much as I love romance novels, I hate how slow they are. YOU'RE NOT IN A ROMANCE NOVEL. YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD, AND HIGH SCHOOL ROMANCE DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BOUND TO EACH OTHER FOREVER. DO IT NOW."

"Jesus, calm down, woman," I laughed, but she just raised her eyebrows.

"No. This is love we're talking about, how can I calm down?" She asked incredulously.

"Says the girl who doesn't have the guts to do anything about her massive crush on Will," I shot back.

"Hey, at least you know he likes you back! Last time someone claimed they liked me back, they cheated on me within a week. I'm not taking any more chances!"

Oh damn.

"Aw, Elody, come here," I said, reaching out for a hug. She willingly came towards me and let me hold her for a few seconds.

"Okay, now stop being a dumdum and get back together already!" She said, in the Holly-est style possible.

"Let's get back to the script, now, shall we?" I said, smiling.

She groaned. "But this conversation isn't over, okay?"


In less than an hour I'd finished explaining the story and we'd discussed thoroughly on the props, lighting, costumes and sets.

Skott used to be in charge of all the sets and props, and Shay would design and stitch all the costumes. I felt their absence then more than ever.

On a higher note, I'd agreed to write the music for the production, knowing it would look great on my college application. It was sad to think that I was only doing this for that, but what could I say? I'd pushed my future aside for so long and now it was my duty to let it all catch up to me.

I left home after a while, with the cold October air planting goosebumps on my skin and shivers down my back. It was pitch black outside and all I had were the streetlights to save me from losing my way.

Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate from my back pocket. I pulled it out hesitantly, not knowing whether it was a good idea to engage in conversation when I could barely keep my teeth from chattering.

When I saw the name on the screen, I instantly picked up the call. "What do you want now, Loser?" I asked, a smile spreading on my face.

"Stop smiling like that, Douchebag. You look like you just murdered someone and danced on their dead body."

"Hey, my smile isn't that bad! It's probably just the light making me look creepy," I laughed, then stopped dead in my tracks.

"How did you know I was smiling?"

"Turn around, Idiot."

And that's how my past caught up with me when all I needed to think about was the future.

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