I don't like people who try to undermine me and push me into doing things I don't want to do.

"I don't know what you're even thinking by speaking to me. You're a psychotic, control freak with major anger issues and I want nothing to do with you. I'm not interested in having you beat the shit out of all the guys I know." Except maybe Mr. Ew.. "And I'm not interested in the 'perfect' life you think you have planned for us. So piss off."

Brad smirked but his eyes burned with anger. "That's why I love you Talia, you're feisty."

"You don't love me Brad, that's just your sick, twisted mind fooling you into thinking you are."

"Ok, that's enough," Brad growled, his jaw ticking as he went to grab my arm. I moved to intervene it, but found another already had. Koteo, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, or maybe it just seemed that way because my anger tunnel vision had kicked in.

"That's right, that is quite enough. I believe she said she wasn't interested."

Brad snorted, ripping his hand out of Koteo's grasp. "Who's this Talia? Your new boy toy? I'm sorry, but I don't think that'll work for me. It's just gonna be you and me, not some jerk who thinks he can just steal my girl," Brad said, throwing a punch at Koteo, who jerked his head back in time for his punch just to craze his chin. Koteo quickly punched him in the gut multiple times, before they stumbled and flew into the crowd of dancers. What the hell? Could this evening get much worse? The hotty on the bus I was crushing on turned out to be my best friend's new boyfriend, and now the same hotty was fighting my ex.

Everyone in the club already watching and drunkenly making bets on who would win.

Get a group of people drunk and they immediately latch onto anything they could possibly bet on. Typical.

Security quickly swooped in and grabbed Brad and Koteo, dragging them out of the club. The crowd booing at them breaking up the fight.

Kim had found her way to my side during the fight and we both glanced at each other, her expression was unreadable, so there was no knowing what was going on through her mind. We both rushed to follow them out and I hoped Koteo was a good fighter. Did English professors even know how to fight? Add that to the fact that Brad used to box and had the temper of an Irishman and you had the makings for a major beat down. Just not on the guy I wanted to get the beating.

Outside, I saw that the security guard had drug Brad away, but not without a fight from him, who was cursing and fighting against him in attempts at getting to Koteo.

"Settle down boy!" The burly security guard said before pinning Brad to the ground. Brad was a redhead and had a temper to match.

"Fine, I'm fine," Brad growled, stilling slightly before security let him up. Brad lurched forward towards Koteo again but ended up with a punch in the face.

"Walk away," The security guard warned, pointing in the opposite directed as Koteo.

"This isn't over," Brad stated, straightening up as he tried to stop his nose from bleeding.

"It's over for tonight," The security guard said in warning.

"Watch your back," Brad said, pointing at Koteo before looking at me and blowing me a kiss that left chills crawling up my spine as he walked away.

Why was creeps always attracted to me?

The security guard turned towards me as he headed back inside and I sighed heavily. "Ex," I stated.

The security guard nodded, his eyes softening in understanding.

Finally with the threat of Brad gone, at least for the time being, I turned to see how Koteo was. Kim stood beside him, fawning over him and his busted lip.

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