chapter 12 The teacher

Comenzar desde el principio

" Thank you Mr Zayn " I responded gratefully, but I couldn't understand the smirk.

" Keep up the good work, I'm gonna keep my eyes on you " he said.
But I didn't know that he meant it literally!!

I thanked him again and left the class, James was waiting for me outside.

" What was that!?!" He asked angerily.

" It's none of your business I guess, Two Muslims speaking with each other. What are you gonna do about it?!! tell the FBI!! " I said trying to drive him even crazier.

" You noticed the way he treated you and you like it, don't you? " he said.

" And what are you, my father, my brother!!! " I said teasing him.

" I may not be your father nor your brother, but I care about your reputation, girls have already started speaking about you two " he explained.

" I don't care, girls speak anyway " I said.

" Jannah, you don't understand I care about you " he said in surrender.

I can't deny that I was really happy at his words.

" I haven't forgiven you yet, remember?!! " I said reminding him.

" I have apologized a hundred times girl and you still haven't " he said shrugging.

" Yeah, because I have a condition " I said.

"And what is your condition?!!" He asked.

" I slap you on your face right here, right now!! " I explained.

" What...,Okay I agree " he said in surrender.

To be honest, I was surprised that he agreed in the first place. I thought he was gonna say " are you crazy " and leave me alone. May be he does really care.

" Okay prepare your face " I said in a challenging tone.

He closed his eyes, and tilted his head as if waiting for a bomb to go off in his face not a girly slap.

I held my laugh, got out my phone and snapped a picture of his funny face.

" Hahahaha, you should see your face!! " I giggled.

He opened his eyes, not believing that I've just pranked him.

" Ha ha, very funny " he said, pretending to be upset.

" Did you really believe that I would slap you?!!" I asked.

" Well I deserved am I forgiven my princess?!!! " he said.

" You are, but I'll take it back if you call me princess again " I explained.

" Sorry, sorry I take it back ......princess " he whispered teasing me.

" James........Wayne " I said pretending to be angry.

" Okay okay " he giggled.

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