Chapter 10

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Ok double update yay!

Aarons POV

I watched as Demetri layed Angels body down on the bed. His movements gental and soft. I smiled and stroked her hair softly. "I'll miss you babe." I watchec for about an hour, then kissed her cheek and rested my head on her stomach . Attempthing to fall asleep.


I felt around for Angel and remembered she was gone. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her lifeless face. "I'll join you soon my darling." I jumped up and ran to the door.

   "Aaron wheree are you going?!" Demetri shouted from the living room. I didnt awnser I just kept running. I would run till I found the nearest river. Out of breath I stood, wind whiped threw my hair as I stood on top of the bridge gettibg set to jump.

    "This is for you Angel." I jumped forgeting about where I was or why I was here. I just waited. I waited for the splash and black. It never came. I kept my eyes closed, still waiting for it to come.

   "You can open your eyes now Aaron." I heard a familiar voice. I slowly opened one eye and saw white.

   "Is this heaven or hell?" Who ever had just spoke to me laughed.

   "Neither, it just earth." I opened my other eye and saw Angel smiling down at me.

   "Oh my god... Angel.. you're alive!" I hugged her the best I could.

  "Yes Aaron. I am." I instany reqoloiled.

  "But how?" All she said was.

  "Demetri." I laughed as Demetri flew in and floated just above the water where we were.

   "Can we go home now.?" I asked eagerly. Demetri nodded and flew back home with Angel and me on his tail.

     Once we arrived home I was put on the couch and handed a cup of hot cocco. "What were you thinking Aaron?!" I looked up and saw Angel, standing infront of me with her hands on her hips. I looked down and watched the steam rise from the cup.

    "I wanted to be with you forever Angel." I sounded like a little kid..

      She sat next to me and rested. her head on my shoulder. "Aaron... I wasn't dead." I looked over at her and rested my head on her head.

   "Only in a deep coma.. I saw you trying to kill your self and boom I was awake runnong after you." I smiled.

   "Oh ok." I again sounded lile a little child. I blushed and turned on the tv. It was the news.

  "A multi Millionar was found dead earlier today in his cellar... police have found the cause of death which was murcury. They belive him to have commited suicide by drinking.the murcury and that is all for todays news stay tuned."

    At that the news cut out and I watched Angels reactions. Her smile faded and she averted her eyed to the floor. I wraped my arm around her. " It'll be fine Angel." I tried to sound reassuring but It didn't work to well, for as Angel burst into tears. All I could do now was be there for here forever more.

The Unwanted Angel...  (The Hidden Angel series book #1)Where stories live. Discover now