Chapter 8

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Aaron's POV.

   I rubbed my now black eye from where Angel had punchd me. I looked up at the sound of footsteps in the hallway.

   "Here... this should help." I watched in amazment as an orange glow erupted from her palm.

   She moved my hand gingerly knowing it was tender and gently placed the light in my eye.

  "It will be very bright for a couple of minutes so stay here." I reeached up and touch her cheek.

   "I still cant belive were only 19 and you act so diffrently then when we first met.." I listened as she sighed and gently removed my hand from her cheek.

   I let it drop so that it ws touching the floor.

  "Nothing will be as it was before Aaron." I looked up at the celing.

  I took a deep breath in and let it all go.

  "Your right.. " I sat up seeing as I could see now.

   "Nothing will be the same." I stood and walked over to where she was standing by the window.

   I wraped my arm. around her waist and she rested he head on my shoulder.

   "I have to kill him.." I spun her round. My heart beating abnormaly fast.

  "You can't you'll be in to much danger Angel." Angel thought this threw for a while and finally, but heasitently nodded.

  I sighed in relife. Good she's not going.

  "Allright now lets hit the sack we've both had a long day." I looked down only to see she wasn't even wake. I chuckled softly not wanting to wake her.

  "Demetri.." I waited till he walked into the room.


" Were gonna hit the hat." He laughed and just walked out of the living room.

  "Have fun hitting hay." I rolled my eeyes and scooped heer up bridel style and carried her into our room.

  Laying her down gently. I kissed her cheek then walked over to the bathroom and turned on the hot wate. While I was waiting for it to warm up I took my close off and turned out the lights and lit a couple of candles.

   I went back to check it the water was warm and sure enough it was.

  I steped in and sunk into the warmth of my bath.

  I closed my eyes in haleing the sent of vinilla.. I know it seems like a feminin thing to do but I like

doing this it helps me relax. I opened my eyes and looked over towards the mirror. I jumped when I saw an outline of something in the dark. It had wings but they were black.. as black as night.

  I watched terrifyed as the figure walked towards our bed room. Angels in there damm it move. But I couldn't I was to frightend to. The black looking angel stoped in the door way.

     I rubbed my eyes. and the dark angel was gone. "Angel!" I practicly screemed as I jumped out of the tub dripping wet. I ran to grab a towel and slipped.

  I lay there for a couple of minutes. Waiting for the painful throb to subside. I verumy slowly stood and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked towards the room, having to hold onto the counter top.

  I fell again to olny be picked up by someone. I heard the voice of Demetri. "Aaron we have to go find her." My body was trembling.

   "Demetri where did she go."

   Her father was here... I could smell hom from down stairs." I growled feriously.

    "We must go and get her back..." I looked back at Demetri. His face bright against the dark.

  I watched as he walked over to the light switch and flicked it on. I shelded my eyes from the light.

  I walked into the closet and grabbed a black v-neck and a pair of grayish jeans, adding a black beni to top it off.

   I walked.. well I rushed down the stairs. Enraged that she was taken but that scoundral of a father. I grabed my black converse aand headed out the door and saw Demetri, his face was to the sky. He had wings they were splashed with white and black. Was he like Angel to?

   He turned and put me on his back like I was one very light feather. "Hold on kid." I grabed the collar of his shirt tightly as we wizzed past towns and citys shile we were gaining our altitude.

  Once we reached our needed altitude. I just had to ask.

  "Demetri how did your wings turn like this.?" He looked over his shoulder. I listened as he breathed in deeply and let it all out.

  "I was a soilder in World War two and I hadd come across a dark angel. Knowing no one could kill him.. I did but before he died he threw part of his soul in me..  after that I don't know the reat is a blur... a blur I never want back." I was shocked at his storty and that we were here allready half way there.


Angel Pov.


   I watched as my father paced back and forth for what seemed like hours. "Why did you kidnapp me?" I tried to stop my voice from quivering.

   He stopped dead in his tracks and walked towards me and stopped about 1 foot in front of me. "I want to know where my daughter is." I lifted my chin hitting my head againt the cool concreat of his mansion basement.

   I. smirkied. " I'm right here." He smirked to.

   I lifted my chin higher as he drew his finger up the side of my neck. "You know who I'm talking about." I gulped.

  "She is gone you'll nevrr find her now." He slammed his fist next to my head I just stared at his face, into his eyes. He grinned evily and started to laugh.

  I watched as he walked over to a table that had bottles of black stuff in them. "It's mucury." I started to strugle againg the chains holding me against the wall.

   "Don't struggle Angel it'll only make it worse." He said this walking gracefully back over to me and ripped my mouth open and dumped it in slowly making sure it burnt and burnt good. I wanted to scream so badly but I held it in knowing it would make it wotrse so I do what I do best shut my mouth and say nothing.

Authors note...

   Hey guys! what you think of the new cover???? It was made by @Breaona1999 she was the onltly one who pm'd me with a cover... and honestly I was wowed ahe sent two but only the one withe meaning lassion and struggle made it.... so please follow her!! Also sorry for slow updating guys school preping to do :) hope you didnt cry to much this chapter... unlike me. Dont forget to comment and vote luv yall byee!!"

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