Chapter 5

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Angels POV.



It has been one year since the incadent and they still haven't caught my father and I had given birth to a baby girl,  Aaron her took in Angelica as his daughter. We had moved into an apartment and thing had been going smoothly up until now.

  "Aaron.... I saw you making out with that girl." He sighed and taped his foot.

   "Listen Angel I told you I waa drunk and had no idea what I was doing." My jaw droped.

    "Yeah drunk and under aged! You're turning into your brother and I dont like it... we have a daughter now you can't do that to me to us". I looked down to where Angelica was crawling. I bent down and picked her up shifting my weight around so I could balanced her on my waist.

     "Your right Angel." He put his had on the back of his neck and started rubbing it making his apperince more vaulnrable.

    I smiled and kissed his cheek. "All right but if it ever happens again...." He looked down at me with those puppy dog eyes.

   I turned around and walked over to the window and sighed. "You are leaving." He walked up behind me.

  I turned around and looked up at him waiting for an awnser. "I agree." I smiled and handed him Angelica.

   "I'll be back I need to go grab some grocieres." He bodded and started playing with her on the ground. I grabed the keys and purse and walked out the door closing it gently begind me. I listened as my foot steps echoed around the hall way of the appartment complex.

   I sighed and was half deep in thought and half arguing with my self. He probably was just drunk... but the other half said he wasn't and is cheating on me.

    I reached my car was a small black and white voltswagon. When I stared the car a huge blast of cool air hit my face. I reached forward and turned it down to warm air and not as fast as it was before.

    I decided to leave the radio off to help me think things through, given I gave an essay for english due tomorrow. I groaned outwardly. I had forgoten all about the essay.

    I let all the thoughts go and steped out into the parking lot. It was that time of month every girl dreads....

    I steled in the store and walked over to the section where it was located and grabed a box and put it in the cart and walked to the soup Isle and grabed two cans of Clam chowder and walked to the self check out.

    "Angel....." I heaed a voice to the right of me. I looked over and saw my father.

    "Get away"  He looked up at me and grinned.

     I finished and walked out vut was stoped when he grabed my shoulder. I turned to face him. I smaked gus face hard. " You... are... not... my.... father!" I frabed my bag and ran out of the store and to my car. Fumbling around till I had found my my keys.

    I looked over my shoulder and saw him come closer. I droped the keys. "Damm it!" I bent over and picked them up and unlocked the door and hoped in locking the door behind me. I winced as he pounded on the window. I started the ignition and backed away sobing as memories of that night flooded back into my mind. I sobed as I speed home. I parked the car, grabed the grocieries and ran up to our apartment.

   "Angel whats wrong?" Aaron asked as he held Angelica. I ran to the bathroom. Aaron followed me.

    I pot the stuff under neath the sink and rested my palms on the counter andd looked at my reflextion. "He found me." Aaron looked at me confused.

    "He?" I walked over to the phone and called my Uncle


    "My so called father." Aaron growled.

   "Bastared." I tapped my foot quickly waiting for Demetri to pick up.


"Uncle Demetri." I sighed smiling.

"Ahh Angel good to here from you!" He exlaimed. I chuckled.

  "Whats wrong dear?" I looked up and saw Aaron watching me.

  "Its your brother... he's found me." The other end went scilent.

  "I'll be there soon." The line went dead.

  "Uncle Demetri will be arriving soon, pack your things were going to Utah." Aaron grabed my shoulder. I looked over at him.

  "But we have finals tomorrow." I shruged him off.

"I know Aaron I'll call school tomorow and say we cant come because my father died." I contiued walking and started packing mine and Angelicas things.


Not more than four hours later my Uncle Demetri walked in. I smiled and hugged him. "Uncle Demetri so good to see you. Its been a whole year." He smiled and looked over.

   "Hello Aaron." Aaron nodded briskly.

    "And who is this cutie." Uncle Demetri walked up to Angelica. She giggled.

     I walked over and stood behind him. "My daughter." He stood and hugged me congradulations Angel.... now down to buisness."

     I looked up at him. "Were coming to Utah with you." Uncle Demetri nodded and pulled up his hood.

   "Are you all packed?" I looked over at Aaron we both nodded. I grabed my coat and pulled up my hood and I put Angelica in her coat and we walked out the door towards the door and hoped into

Uncle Demetri's car and drove off towards the airport.

The Unwanted Angel...  (The Hidden Angel series book #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ