Chapter 2

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      Aaron's Pov.


                I spiked my hair trying to figure out which way would look best. I mean first impressions are every thing right. I decided settle on a spiked up look which I thought sutied me. I walked out the door as my brother came running down the hall and right past me but stoped at the top of the stairs and slowly turned around. "Are you serious Aaron...". I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at him feeling very flustered.

        "You think its bad or just to much"? My voice was very high pitched now that I'm worried and crap.

        I watched as he looked down. "No but I think a shirts, pants and shoes might help spice  it up alittle". I looked down and relised that I was still in my boxers, I blushed heavily, he may be my brother but it's still pretty embarrasing for me. l ran into my room, closed the door and dashed to my closet. When I was rummaging through the contants of my closet I found a black long sleved T-shirt and a pair of grayish blueish jeans. After rolling the sleves up and spiking my hair up again I grabbed my black and white ankle convers and slipped out the door but it wasn't until I walked out the door that I remeberd I was new and it was winter. So being that I was getting cold I ran back inside and grabbed my black and whit checkered coat and backpack and walked out the door. I groaned as Max called my name. "WAIT Aaron! Wait for me". I watched as he flew down the steps stopping him self just before he slammed into the wall. "Wait for me little bro just because I'm nineteen doesn't mean that you can leave with out me." I chuckeled.

        "Well hurry up I don't want to be late.. not today atleast." Max nodded in agreement and after that we were out the door and sprinting to make sure we weren't late. We would have driven but I haven't gotten my license yet, and Mr. Party alot crashed it while he was drunk one night even though he is underaged.


        I huffed as I pushed the door open to the school and was welcomed with warm heating from with in the school. "Nice school". I whispered under my breath. I looked up and was welcomed with a 'WELCOME TO HURAGI HIGH' I grined as I saw a photo of a Dinasour in armor underneath it. I looked over my shoulder for I felt some one pat my shoulder and I saw Max with a stupid grin on his face.

        "At least they have hot girls". I scofed and rolled my eyes and walked towards what I assumed was the office not waiting for Max to follow but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a slam. I looked over to see what I was and I saw a girl being slamed against her locker by two much bigger guys, I bit back my lip trying to decide weather to help her or not but as soon as I started towards her the guy walked away as the bell for fist period ran. I ran to the office only to be told later on that that bell was the warning bell.

        After I had my schedual for the year I went to find Max the only person that I know excluding the office lady and the princeaple. "What class do you have first Max, Oh and what locker and level you on". He looked up from his Phone.

        "Huh oh.. Umm one sec.". I tapped my foot on the ground as the minutes ticked by. "Aha here it is". I watched as he pulled a crumpled up ball from his backpack . "Lets's see umm locker floor, locker floor here it is! Umm floor four. How about you Aaron".

        I looked down at my sheet and grinned. "Same, what about your locker number Max". I watched as he looked at everything possible on his schedual. I laughed as he grew flustered and tripped up the step we were walking up.

        Still laughing I pointed at his sheet. "It's right there stupid, 2017, mines 2020, Darn two lockers away from my little brother". I watched as his face grew red with anger.

        "Come on man It wa just a joke". I looked up at his face now beat red.

        He sneered. "Yeah a joke little brother, just all one big joke". I put my hands up in surrender.

        "Next time remind me not to make you mad, but off that topic... What class do you have in a couple of minutes". I still had a stupid grin on my face, I ran my hand down may face making it a straight one.

        He seemed to relax at this. "Bioligy how about you".

         I looked down at my sheet and frowned. "Thats my free time... Well you better hurry to class because you only have four more minutes to get to class Max". I watched as he waved me off and started up the stairs towards Bioligy class.

        Hurumph what to do for two whole hours. I walked over to my locked and opened it not wanting to carry all this extra weight around, meaning a couple pencils, some paper, and  one red pen and the sheet all of my teachers need to sign before class starts. After putting my stuff in the locker I decided to walk around school wondering what to do, because it is school after all and isn't school suposed to be boring when your a transfer. Even if thats not true I heard it was from all my friends at my old school, god am I going to miss them... I wonder if they miss me? What ever who cares I'm sure I'll make plenty of new friends here. I was interupted between my thoughts and I when a girl came running down the hall crying and ran into me.

        "Hey watch it"! I said putting my hands up in the air. She looked up at me. Oh my god she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

        "I'm s-sorry." She sounded shy and she also sounded like she was scared of me. I instantly regretted what I had said.

        "Oh no it's my fault ma'm I wasn't paying attention". She looked back towards the ground.

        "Why are you being nice to me". I assumed I had a funny face on because she let out a soft giggle. I shoved my hands in my pockets.

        "Why wouldn't I be nice to you... I'm Aaron by the way". I held out my hand for her to shake but she just looked up at me from under her eyelashes.

        "Angel... and I'm the kid who nobody likes... Are you new"? I smiled and nodded my head.

         "Well Angel..." I let her name roll off my tongue.

             "Why were you crying..".She looked up at with beautiful blue eyes.

        "I just guess I'm emotional". She looked back down. "Why arn't you in class Aaron".

        "Because this is my free period". She smiled.

        "Me too". I grinned knowing now that I had a major crush on her and knowing this would be a great year... That is if things works out...

Authors Note

HEY GUYS was up soo umm yeah just got my hair dip dyed blue and green YAYY well long chapter YAY!

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