Chapter 4

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Angels POV.

   I jumped out of the bed I was in and looked back down and saw my lifeless body laying there, and next to the bed was Aaron. Thoughts started to run through my head, but I pushed all of them away knowing Aaron didn't do it. Because he was sobbing. I turned and walked around the room and ran into a picture of my mum, and me at the beach... I kept looking for my dad and found him drinking with his arm around my mum's sisters waist. She didnt seem to be pushing him away, but pulling him closer... I scoged and threw the picture on the ground making it shatter. I twisted around as the bed room door suddenly flung open and paramedics rushed in. I walked over to my body, I turned my head as a hand landed on my shoulder. I saw my aunt Serani, rhe one from the picture. "What do you want Serani...". I hissed.

    She looked at mme with sorrow filled eyes. ""Go Angel you don't belong here you belong in the human world."

    I turned to look back at my body and touched my heart. I waited till it started to beat again till I jumped in. I was saticfyed when my heaet rate reached sixty and I steped back into the human world before the paramedics could hook a heart monitor up to me.

     I coughed up blood and looked around for a towel but the paramedics had all ready put me in the amblulence and were about to close the back door when I looked up at one of them. "Wait.... wheres Aaron...". My voice was raspy but clear.

     He looked down at me and smiled. "Of course dear". He looked over his shoulder and yelled to some one. I smiled when I saw him jump in but it all faded when I saw he had been hand cuffed and was being escorted by a police officer.

    Aaron looked down at me with tear filled eyes. "They don't belive me Angel. They think im the one who did this." I looked up at him. "But you're not the one who did this to me it was my father who druged me and raped me". I said this loud enough for every body to hear in the amblulence. They all started talking quietly.

    I coughed again and more blood came up. Only to be wiped up by the paramedic to the left of me. "My father killed my mum to..." I paused before speaking again. "He killed.... exscuse me rapped my mum, Elizabith Rose Feather." I looked up at the police man.

   "So can you please let hhim go you now know who did this and he is no longer a suspect." The policeman nodded briskly and undid the handcuffs. As soon as the handcuffs were gone Aaron sat down and rubed his wrists. I guess I had exsaused more energy than I had expected because I felt tired and figjting sleep wasn't going to work so I just closed my eyes as we zoomed off to the hoslital.


Aarons POV.

    I sat up and stretched, smiling as I saw Angel asleep still on the bed. I stood and walked over to her. Gosh she looks beat. I smiled and stroked her hair. " I'll be right back".

    I tip tied not wanting to wake her and closed the door quietly. Oncce I was outside of the room I.cheeked my phone. Great eleven missed calls, five from Max and six from my parents. I sighed and called my parents first. They picked up almost imedently.

   "Where have you been Aaron we are woried about you." I sighed.

    "Mom dad I'm in the hospital." I was interupted by them.

    "Are you hurt".

    I groaned. "No mom remember that girl I was goung to take to the movies." There was scilence on the other end. "Well her father rapped her and she almost died yestarday if I hadn't came over yestarday." All that cam through on the other end was 'Oh'.

  "Yeah so I thibk i'll stay here till she is alittle better than she is now." After that I hung up.

    I walked over to the food court and got some eggs and bacon and sat in scilence as I ate. Why did it gave to happen to her. Just then some thing came over the inercom. "Aaron Eastion please report to room 2010" I threw my tray away and half ran/ walked to Angles room.

    I smiled when I saw that Angel was awake. "I had asked the nurse to call you in here... sorry if you were doing something." I smiled and pulled a chair over.

     I laughed. "Oh no I was just eating... Do you want anything." She smiled and laughed.

     "Ummm...... Eggs and bacon." I called her doctor in here and asked if she could have Eggs and Bacon.

     He smiled. "Certainly.. I'll be right back


     I threw her plate away after she had finished. "So are you feelin' any better". She nodded.

     Just then the doir bust open. I turned to see my parents rush in with Max trailing behind him.

     "Oh darling we've been so woried about you." I looked over at Angel to see her twidling her thumbs again.

      "I've missed you guys to but this is Angel. The girl I was telling you all about." My mum rushed over to her.

      "Oh darling you are beautiful." She blushed but didnt speak. Knowing she was shy and had a terrible past I steped in.

    "Mum she is kinda shy and still isn't feeling very well. She nodded and steped back.

    "Sorry dear". I watched as she smiled shyly.

    "It's fine". I turned to her and smiled.

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