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Ok so updates will be very slow because school will be starting September 2nd and I must get A's to get my dream job even though im just goibg into 8th grade so im going to put much time iinto my studys. and a little less time here. I am curently working on chapter 8 and chapter 9 so there will be two updates in the next week... and I am truely sorry for slow updating but im preping for school and trying to fix some issues in my life....

   All so I was wondering if one of you wanted a shout out, but there is a catch.. I really want a new cover for my book... one that looks beautiful but has so much meaning and a title that has a font of beauty and passion. So if your interested pm me. Tell me your idea and show me your cover and the winner gets more than a shout out. I will 100% recommend you on my description my and to people who follow me! Also that shoutout is still in there thanks guys and happy reads! ;)


The Unwanted Angel...  (The Hidden Angel series book #1)Where stories live. Discover now