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I wanna go
Go far away from here
Where nobody knows my name
Or judges me for what I am
Somewhere I can start anew
A new beginning
A new me

I wanna leave
Forever, and never return
Leaving a place full of
Hypocrites and liars
Where everybody is biased
Where nobody cares about others
Everybody here is selfish and critical

I wanna be
With people like me
Who understand my thoughts
And like my company

But everywhere is the same
I just don't fit in


This marks an end to this book!
Thank you all so much for everything! I'd never imagined it to get as popular as it did! 210K reads is no joke!
Don't forget that you're amazing and you're loved and are one of the finest of creations of God <3

Oh and btw, I've been working on another poetry book I'd call 'Syzygy'. I'll publish it soon enough, so keep your eyes out for that!


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