Party disaster (Isaac x reader)

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I stepped inside of Lydia's house, having used a long time finding it as soon as I stepped in, her hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling me to her bedroom. She threw clothes after clothes on the floor or the bed, making me look confused at it. Her strawberry blonde hair swung over her shoulder as she turned around, holding up a white beautiful dress, pushing me into the bathroom with it. I came out after a little, my hands holding onto the bottom, trying to pull it more down, the dress only stopping almost right under my butt.

“Don't try and cover up too much, Isaac will be here and you gotta show off a little.” She hummed, pulling the chair out from her makeup table, making me sit before turning on the curling iron. I sat back, feeling my hair being pulled, one stray after another. I could feel my heart beat fast, hearing his name. A small knock on the door came, Lydia handing the iron to me. She opened, seeing Isaac in some tight skinny jeans and a blue t-shirt really showing off his chest muscles. I dropped the iron, flinching in pain and grabbing it fast again, Isaac turning it off and taking it from me, laying on the table where it wouldn't burn more.

His fingers went over the burning mark slowly, making a whine escape the back of my throat, footsteps disappearing, making me see Lydia had left the room. He caressed my thigh near the mark, lifting me and setting me on the bathroom table, turning on the cold water.

“You should be more careful (y/n)” his grabbed the nearest towel, holding it under the water before putting on the mark. The pain slowly disappeared, but all I could concentrate on was my beating heart and his golden curls. He looked up at me, his eyes locking with mine as he leaned close, one hand on my thigh and the other on my cheek, pulling my lips close to his. All sound in the whole world disappeared, only our breath as our lips were about to touch.

The door slammed open, making me move my head away fast, Isaac not moving an inch, cursing under his breath before looking at the door, seeing Lydia come close fast, placing the first-aid beside me, taking the bandage and fixing my mark.

“Thank you Lydia.” The words escaped his mouth, sounding all sarcastic, seeming like he was annoyed, even pissed off by something or someone.  A small chuckle escaped her lips, closing the first-aid and going downstairs again to put it back. He lifted me onto the floor, standing on my own two feet now, I could see him all close, him being a head higher than me.

His fingers slowly went over my cheek again before leaving the room, telling me to stay. He appeared after a little, handing me a black dress with a blue belt around it, leaning close as he whispered in my ear. “Now we can match.”

He simply left a small kiss on my earlobe, leaving the bathroom to let me change, which I did.

I took a deep breath, grabbing the handle as I opened the door with ease, my eyes connecting with his as he smirked, stepping close up with a hand finding its way around my waist, pulling me up close. “Hmmm i might even be better than Lydia, aren't I (y/n)?” My eyes didn't leave his golden eyes as I gulped, his grip getting tighter around my waist. His face came closer, tilting to the side, his tender lips stroke over mine, the heat from his lips were all I focused on, craving it's heat. I knew he was teasing, he was simply playing with me and I let him. I let him toy with me, but before I knew it, his lips were on mine, pressed so smooth together in a loving, strong and warm kiss. After some time, which felt like forever, he pulled away, kissing my earlobe and whispering with a deep voice. “you are mine, no fooling around with any guys anymore” he smirked, leaving the room as Lydia entered, my face burning red.

Lydia let out a light hum, stopping Isaac and looking at his clothes before letting him leave, smiling at me. “ I see the little golden haired puppy have fallen for you”

I shrugged, trying to make her leave the topic, the door suddenly ringing making her check the clock. “Get your feet in some of my high heels and~” she slowly fixed my hair, smiling. “There. Meet me downstairs”

She left, leaving me to look at her so many heels. We had the same size, even in dresses. I did as told, finding a black paired boots and zipping it up so it got tightened around my ankle making me go to the mirror to see. A small chuckle left my lips, before I simple chewed on it.

What am I thinking, maybe it's all just a big joke, why would Isaac fall for me…I'm not rich, I live with my father and two brothers, which both were overprotective. I felt a pair of arms around my waist, soft kisses finding their way up my neck and long but thin fingers moving my hair out of the way to get closer to my skin. I looked at the reflection, seeing Aiden. I flinched, jumping away which made me twist my ankle and fall down, my hand clinging to it for some time before standing up, walking past him, trying to hide my pain, but as soon as I stood there, smiling at isaac, his arms lifted me and took off my heels, making his way to the couch.

He sat down, slowly rubbing the ankle that hurts, making me whimper in pain. “How did you know…”

He simply smirked, the pain disappearing after a while making me relax into his arms. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, kissing the exact time spots Aiden did. “Isaac?” I yelped loudly, Scott lifting me away from him making me look, his eyes now golden yellow, not like gold, more like pixie dust, just like in the books.

Isaac stood up, marching towards Aiden as he hit him across the face with a fist, making me try and stop him, but Scott held be back. The two started fighting, the loud sound of a bone breaking in Aiden's jaw came, followed by a breaking bone from Isaac's hand.

Lydia, Stiles and even Ethan started making people leave and as soon as they had left, Ethan and Scott pulled them apart, a low growl appearing from Isaac, my eyes looking at him, filled with fear. Our eyes met, as he pulled away from Scott, walking to me as I stepped back. He didn't stop going towards me till my back hot the wall, his face came close. “Don't be scared….” His lips brushed over mine, kissing me more forcefully. It felt so good and so right, but my heart were pumping from fear as well as my adrenaline. He broke it, his eyes staring into mine as they turned golden again. “ I explain everything, I promise” he whispered out, caressing my cheek making me pull my face away a little. He looked broken, even tore apart from the situation, kissing my forehead before looking at Adrian, his hand on my head, stroking my hair. “ I wont hesitate next time, I let you do a lot, but hugging my girl in a loving way and kissing her neck…. You should be happy I didn't break your neck” he growled, Scott standing in front of him. “Isaac you can't tell her about it…”

“I do what I want, last time I checked, you weren't my alpha….beside Derek can't control me, you both told your first love!” he grabbed my waist, looking into my eyes before kissing my cheek. “I explain everything to her….nothing can stop me” he smiled, taking my hand and leading me upstairs to Lydia's room, making me sit on the bed, him sitting on the floor looking up at me. He slowly explained about Omega,beta and alpha, about what had happened in beacon hills, even why Jackson disappeared. He told me about his dad, how he abused him and about who bite him. He sat with spread arms when he were done. “You can stay there….or hug me...or leave, I understand if you do”

I sat still, trying to get it all through my head before standing up, walking past him. I grabbed a blanket, seeing his shoulder fall together. I went back, sitting on his lap, his arm quickly finding their way around my shoulders, his lips kissing down my neck. “I love you (y/n)*

“I love you too golden haired puppy” I giggled

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