Leaving Lothlórien

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I slam the door behind me, well as much as I can slam the doors to my parent's study. "What is this? I cannot go to Elrond's meeting?" I stand in front of my parents fuming my green eyes flashing. I look a sight, coming straight from the training grounds. My brown leggings are mostly covered in dirt, my black boots lopsided on my legs. My light blue tunic is disheveled and falling off my left shoulder, sticking to me in places from sweat. My white hair is a mess, coming out of the plait I had put it in, with bits of grass and leaves in the loose hair from a tumble I took during training. One of my swords swings off my left hip, lightly hitting my thigh, the other sword, as well as my bow and quiver, are strapped to my back, the sword hilt over my left shoulder and the fletching of my arrows over my right. The hike from the training grounds to the throne room is quite the distance, and uphill so my face is flushed and I am breathing slightly heavier having run the whole distance.

Naneth stands by the windows, as usual watching out across the forest. Though she does not move at my entrance I could see the small smile forming on her face. Her white gown trails on the floor behind her, sleeves reaching the floor as well. And with her baby blue eyes and waist-length blonde slightly curly hair half pulled back, she looks like one of the Valar. My Adar, however, is a different story. He looks up from the map on the table an unusual scowl on his face, brows pull down over his honey brown eyes. He exhales and straightens turning toward me. As he walks his light grey robes brush the floor. His silver circlet catches the sunlight causing it to stand out from his shoulder-length silvery hair. "You of all people know how to address us properly." He speaks sternly.

I place my right fist over my heart, click my heels together and bow at the waist. "I apologize my Lord. May I speak freely with you?" I speak through my teeth, refraining from being snarky in my speech.

Adar sighs, "Of course child, you are our heir and family. You may speak as freely as you wish. Though I do hope you address us properly at first."

Naneth turns and joins us, still with that small smile on her face. "I know of what you wish to ask daughter, but our answer will still be the same."

I hold in my groan, "Why am I not among those going to Lord Elrond's council?" I ask anyway, wishing to know the reason behind my parents' choices.

"Your time has not yet come," Naneth begins. "If you were to attend the counsel you would jump into the Fellowship and change the course that they are to take. Everything must go according to the Valar's will."

"The Valar...." I huff and spin around angrily, trying to control my temper. "The Valar's will! Naneth, I know you have a connection with them, but meddling is not your place. I will go to this council; I choose to do what my heart says is right."

Adar sits in a chair by the table, "Your Naneth has seen them come to Lothlórien. Why can you not wait to join them at that time."

"Valar knows what they will go through before they reach these halls. Let me go and help. Let me give some protection to the members of this journey. You both know Mithrandir will be a part of it. As much as we all trust him you know he is no match for Saruman on his own." I am basically pleading with my parents at this point. "I have been training for thousands of years for a chance like this. Do not withhold this from me, not again."

"Our daughter has your stubbornness Celeborn." My Naneth says with a smile. She puts a hand on my father's shoulder.

Adar returns the gesture with his hand on hers. "That may be so, but she has your spirit and fire, Galadriel." He shuffles some papers on the table. "You may go to the council. Join the Fellowship if you must, but do everything Mithrandir tells you. Do not second guess or overrule his judgments. Am I understood?"

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