Chapter:7 Nothing More Nothing Less!

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Minseo's POV:  

 "So I'm sure you both know why I called you guys in today," Mr. Jeon says looking me up and down a disgusted look on his face. I feel my cheeks getting red with embarrassment and I lower my head not wanting anyone to see me in this state. 

Jungkook's POV:

 I see my dad looking Minseo up and down, he looks not very satisfied to say the least. Her already pretty rosy cheeks turn a brighter red and she hangs her head in shame refusing to look back up. Why what happened to her. What did she do to make my dad this mad? I stare at her trying to guess what she's thinking. Wait a second, did I just say pretty rosy cheeks!? 

Minseo's POV:

 I can just feel Jungkook's stare weighing on me. I keep my head down refusing to look at him. He's the whole reason why I'm even in this mess, I want to look up so badly and tell him off but I'm already in enough trouble. Yes I know he tried apologizing but I really don't want to hear it! And besides I don't forgive people that easily, he'll have to work for it. His stares are burning the back of my head and into to my brain. "Don't look up, don't look up!" I have to keep telling myself. My eyes refuse to listen to me and I hesitantly raise my head looking start at him. It was just to awkward to just seat there! Our eyes meet almost instantly. I was expecting him to look away but no! He stares right back at me his beautiful eyes pricing mine. BEAUTIFUL!!?  We stare at each other for about 7 seconds in silence just observing each other. "Don't fall for it Minseo remember he's a complete jerk!" I thought my cheeks were red before but I'm pretty sure my face looks a whole tomato by now. Besides the fact of him being the absolute worst he is very handsome up close. I feel my head tilting to the side as I'm getting lost in his once dark and evil but now strangely calming eyes. Wait why was I so mad at him again?"Hey you two eyes up here!" The sound of my boss yelling bring us both back to reality. I face my boss again giving Jungkook one final glance. I see him out of the corner of my eye smirking, his cute cheek dimple popping out. Minseo stop it! Remember your supposed to be mad at him, not looking at his stupid face! Focus on why you came here, TO GET FRIED!

 Jungkook's POV: 

 She finally looked back up at me our eyes met. Her face had soon quickly turned an even darker red. I don't know what it was but I couldn't look away. She tilts her head, looking start at me. I wonder what she's thinking, probably about how badly I treated her. I take this time to examine her. Her deep dark brown eyes locked on mine and I simply couldn't look away. I never noticed how beautiful her eyes were. Her hair is tied up in a bun so I can see every inch of her delicate face. Her glossy lips drawn me in. I'm about to open my mouth and say something to break the silence but I don't have to my dad does for me. She looked so pretty and vulnerable that a little smirk grows on my face. Hoseok was right she in very attractive. NO WONDER I'm thinking she's so beautiful! Hoseok put it in my head so of course I'm going to be thinking about it. She's just attractive to me nothing more nothing less! 

Minseo's POV: 

 Why is he smirking at me? Could he tell what I was thinking? I just think he's attractive, nothing more nothing less! I'm still mad at him for (can't seem to remember) whatever he did to me. Whatever Minseo just forget about it! "You kids must be daydreaming today," Mr. Jeon says to us both."Snap out of it I don't have time for this nonsense, especially from you my son smarten up!"  Who talks to their child like that! Jungkook looks at me and I can tell he's definitely embarrassed."My bad sir it won't happen again." Sir? What ever happened to just calling him dad? By the look on Jungkook's face I can tell somethings not right. "I called you two hear today because I have received the most pathetic news last night." He's talking about me I know it. Jungkook looks confused and lost. Great not only is he an ass**** but he's stupid to! "Miss. Minseo would you like to explain yourself before I continue?" Mr. Jeon says to me. Fear rushes over me like a waterfall and I stay completely silent. I was prepared to get fired then go home, I didn't know Jungkook would be here and we had to talk about this. Why did he have to put me on the spot like that!? Please God I just want to go home! I open my mouth about say something but somebody interrupts me. "Um sir may I ask why Miss. Minseo's here?" Miss? And again who calls their dad sir! 

Jungkook's POV: 

 I can tell she's frightened and uncomfortable. I don't know what came over me but I had to speak for her! My dad was making her nervous and I felt really bad. Of course I know why she's here, he probably wants to talk about what happened at dinner yesterday. I keep on acting dumb and naive to the situation so that my dad would focus more on me and lay off of her a little bit. But I'm curious I didn't tell my dad about what happened yesterday, so who did?

Minseo's POV:

 Is this boy stupid? How can he not know why I'm here! "Well my son maybe if your won't such a slow thinker than maybe you would've guess by now."  Finally Mr. Jeon and I agree on something!"Sorry sir i'm just curious," the look in Jungkook's eyes hurt me. You can already tell off the bat that these two don't have the best relationship. I feel so awful, if my dad was still here I'd never complain again. Don't feel bad for him! Remember how sh*ty he is. Still nobody should ever talk to their child like that."I heard how Miss. Minseo not only split food on you but she always had the audacity to stand there and disrespect you!' Disrespect him, he called me a b*tch! At this point I have to stand up for myself.  The fear I was feeling soon vanishes and is replaced with anger. "Excuse me sir but maybe you should get your facts straight before you start pointing fingers!"  I say sitting up in my chair. You think you can disrespect me, think again! "If you were to hear the full story then you'd know that your son came at me after I continuous apologized to him."  Mr. Jeon does not look happy at all! "Even after I offered to pay him for his jacket he still continued to yell and humiliate me in front of everyone! So before you ask I will not say sorry and I'm not going to beg for this crappy job, because I can find a Mc.Donald's manger that treats me way better then you!" Okay maybe I went to far. Mr. Jeon's face is turning boiling hot, I can tell he did not appreciate what I just said. 

Jungkook's POV:

 I'm taken aback and speechless. No one has ever stood up to my dad like that. Not even me! Usually everyone's to scared or frightened to talk back, but she actually did it. It was both the bravest and hottest thing I've ever seen.

Minseo's POV:

 I see Jungkook beside me with a shocked look on his face. Yes I just did that! It's to early to tell if I regret it. Mr. Jeon is beyond piss at this point! His face is beat red and I can see a huge blue vein popping out the side of his neck. He stares at me for a moment taking in what I just said. I guess no one has ever talked to him like that, good let me be the one to teach you! The sound of silence fills the room as I anticipate his responds. The plot thickens and I start to get nervous. He slowly opens his mouth about to say something, "YOU LITTLE..." "Wait dad um I mean sir hear me out!" Jungkook finally opens his mouth saving me."I did yell at her first and I was out of line. I was being the jerk not her, so if anyone should pay for it it should be me!" I'm shocked, no shocked is just an understatement. Yeah sure apologizing is one thing but admitting you were wrong in front of your father, now that takes guts! At that exact moment I instantly forgave him. "Please sir don't punish her it was all my fault I take full responsibility."  Jungkook turns to face me so I turn my body around facing him."I'am so sorry Minseo, please forgive me,"  he says looking straight into my eyes. My heart melts. Never have I heard sure a raw heart fulled apology. The boy I hated just a few hours ago now turned into the sweetest person in the world. I can't speak I'm in to much shock. Mr. Jeon takes a deep breath before speaking again. "You take full responsibility for your actions," He says his voice calmer then I thought it would be. "Yes sir I do," Jungkook says nodding his head. "Okay then you watch over her." He says pointing to me. Jungkook looks at me confused. "Excuse me?" I look at Jungkook also confused. "You said son you take responsibility for your actions so now Minseo's your problem, your her boss now since I'm done with her." Is he trading me!? "What sir I don't want to do that!" Jungkook says. "Watch over her and if she messes up one more time she's out of her, I want nothing to do with her so she's yours now." I don't know what's worst the fact my boss is trading me or the fact that my new boss is practically my age! "Sir I don't feel very comfortable doing that," Jungkook says looking worried. "It's either you take care of her or she's out of here now!"  I look at Jungkook trying to see what he's thinking. 

Jungkook's POV:
 My dad really put me on the spot here and I don't know what to do! I don't want to be a boss to someone and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me anywhere near her. She looks at me, her eyes wide and shining. I can't tell if she still wants this job or not! I hesitantly close my eyes taking in a deep breath.

"Okay sir I'll do it"

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