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During lunchtime at LUVITY High, the bustling cafeteria echoed with the usual din of students chatting and trays clattering. 

Jungmo, Woobin, Minhee, and Taeyoung sat together as usual, but their attention was conspicuously drawn to a particular corner where Jaewon was seated, engaged in conversation with Heejin.

Minhee, picking at his lunch absentmindedly, glanced around the table and noticed the fixation of his companions on Jaewon and Heejin. "You guys are going to bore a hole through the new kid's head," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Taeyoung, who had been surreptitiously observing the pair, bristled at Minhee's comment. "I haven't been staring, okay?!" he retorted defensively.

Minhee raised an eyebrow and gestured with his chopsticks. "You were about to throw out your back. Ease up," he advised, prompting Taeyoung to relax his posture and return his focus to his lunch.

"Hey, Woobin," Jungmo interjected, his gaze still fixed on Jaewon and Heejin. He set his chocolate milk down on the table before continuing, "What's the deal with that guy?"

Woobin placed his chopsticks on his tray and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "He's Heejin's ex-boyfriend from Daegu," he explained.

"I know that," Jungmo replied, sounding slightly irritated. "But why is he here?"

Woobin shrugged casually. "Probably for Heejin, I suppose."

Taeyoung, who had been listening intently, furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "He came all the way here for Heejin? That's absurd!" he exclaimed.

Woobin quickly silenced him with a hushed tone. "He was quite devoted to Heejin, you know? It's not unreasonable for him to come here for her."

"But didn't they break up?" Jungmo questioned.

"That's what Heejin told me," Woobin confirmed, shrugging. "They parted ways right before Heejin moved to Seoul."

Their gazes lingered on Jaewon and Heejin for a full minute before the bell rang, signaling the end of lunchtime.

"I'm heading off," Taeyoung declared, grabbing his tray and rising from his seat.

As they made their way back to their classroom, Taeyoung and Minhee parted ways at the stairs, heading to their respective floors. Meanwhile, Jungmo and Woobin continued together toward their classroom.

"Did it bother you?" Woobin asked casually, his eyes glancing at Jungmo.

Jungmo turned to look at Woobin, his expression guarded. "What do you mean?"

"You're starting to get curious about Heejin, aren't you?" Woobin pressed.

Jungmo fell silent for a moment, contemplating his response. But Woobin, familiar with Jungmo's thoughts, could already sense the answer lingering in the air.

"I'll be honest with you," Woobin said as they approached their classroom, spotting Heejin conversing with Areum, Jaewon by her side.

"I like Heejin. I'm planning to confess to her," Woobin revealed, his tone resolute.

Jungmo's steps faltered, causing Woobin to turn back and face him, his eyes filled with determination.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jungmo questioned, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Woobin's gaze briefly shifted to Heejin before returning to Jungmo.

"I just want to be fair about it. We've been close friends since childhood, Jungmo," Woobin explained earnestly.

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