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𝒜s Heejin and Seongmin returned to the group, she noticed that Jungmo was conspicuously absent.

"Where's Jungmo?" Heejin inquired, her gaze shifting towards Minhee for an answer.

"Oh, Jungmo? He went out to the balcony for some fresh air," Minhee replied casually.

Heejin paused for a moment, contemplating whether she should search for Jungmo or not. Eventually, her determination won, and she made up her mind to find him.

"Guys, let's regroup at the VIP lounge. I'll go look for Jungmo!" Heejin declared, disappearing into the crowd as she made her way towards the balcony. Her eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of Jungmo.

Heejin's heart raced as she discovered Jungmo standing alone on the balcony, his figure illuminated by the gentle moonlight.

Smoke swirled around him as he held a cigarette in his hand, an unexpected sight that caught Heejin off guard.

She couldn't help but admire his striking appearance, though her surprise mingled with a twinge of unease.

Who would have thought that the charismatic LUVITY High Head Boy indulged in such a habit?

Just as Heejin was about to call out to Jungmo, a door on the opposite side of the balcony swung open, revealing Areum's presence.

Startled, Heejin quickly covered her mouth and hid, observing them discreetly from a distance.

"Areum," Jungmo acknowledged her presence, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"Why are you out here?" Areum inquired, leaning against the railing beside him, her gaze fixed upon Jungmo.

"It's nothing... it feels suffocating inside. I thought I needed some fresh air to clear my mind," Jungmo replied, his voice carrying a hint of longing.

As the two engaged in their conversation, Heejin couldn't help but eavesdrop, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Me too," Areum confessed, extending her hand towards Jungmo as if requesting something from him.

Jungmo glanced down at Areum's outstretched palm and began to chuckle softly.

The sound tickled Heejin's ears, sending a peculiar sensation coursing through her stomach.

To Heejin's astonishment, Jungmo reached into his pocket and retrieved a pack of cigarettes. He took out a stick and passed it to Areum.

No way, Areum smokes too?! Heejin thought, her eyes widening with disbelief.

While Heejin was lost in her observations, someone sneaked up behind her and tapped her shoulder, startling her.

A surprised squeak escaped her lips, drawing Jungmo and Areum's attention toward her direction.

Fortunately, the person who had surprised her quickly whisked her away back into the bustling ballroom.

Heejin spun around to see who it was, and her face lit up with delight when she realized it was Woobin, dressed in his dashing butler uniform.

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