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𝓙ungmo was immersed in solving math problems when his phone buzzed unexpectedly. Glancing at the screen, he noticed an unfamiliar number blinking back at him.

Typically, he would ignore it, knowing that his number somehow leaked (again, for the nth time) and spread among his groupies. However, today, he felt inclined to confront whoever dared to disturb his private moment.

With a bored tone, Jungmo answered, "Hello? If you don't stop this, I'm going to report you to the police," his words carrying a taunting edge as he addressed what seemed like the 20th spam call of the day.

To his surprise, the response on the other end was different. "Uhm, it's me," came the hesitant voice.

Jungmo raised an eyebrow, pulling the phone away to scrutinize the number once more. "I clearly don't know you," he retorted, ready to end the call, when the person hurriedly interjected, "Wait! It's me! Lee Heejin..."

Jungmo sat frozen, the familiar name echoing in his ears. Lee Heejin?

"Lee... Heejin?" Jungmo's focused gaze drifted to his phone as Lee Heejin's voice, soft and apologetic, resonated through the receiver.

"Yeah, Lee Heejin," she confirmed.

Jungmo, sensing the unexpected intrusion, adjusted his posture, gripping his pen with a newfound alertness.

"Where did you get my number?" he inquired, his tone subtly guarded.

"I gave it to her!" chimed a familiar voice from the background.

The pieces fell into place for Jungmo as he recognized the voice. "Seo Woobin?"

Heejin's apology reached his ears. "I'm sorry for calling out of the blue."

"No, it's fine," Jungmo reassured her almost immediately. "Is there any problem?"

"Woobin told me that you're knowledgeable when it comes to space and stuff," Heejin explained, her words carrying a hint of uncertainty and seeking validation.

Jungmo responded with an encouraging hum.

Heejin continued, "I was wondering if you could help me identify something. I found a rock among my belongings, and I think it might be a meteorite. I heard you're into astronomy, so I thought you might know."

Jungmo's expression softened. "Of course, I can help. Could you describe it to me? Or better yet, could you send a picture?"

Heejin's voice held a hint of relief. "Yeah, I can do that. Thanks a lot, Jungmo."

As they exchanged details for sending the picture, Jungmo couldn't help but wonder about the sudden call from Heejin and the reason she needed his help with a meteorite.

Jungmo scrutinized the picture of the rock Heejin had sent on KaTalk. After a brief contemplation, he concluded that it wasn't a meteorite.

Dialing Heejin's number, she picked up almost immediately. "So?" she asked, anticipation in her voice.

"It's not a meteorite," Jungmo reported, and Heejin emitted a sound akin to an understated acknowledgment.

"Well, it is what it is, then," Heejin remarked.

"But what's with the meteorite, anyway?" Jungmo inquired, a genuine curiosity in his tone.

"It's a long and complicated story," Heejin replied. "You probably won't find it interesting," she added.

"I might, though," Jungmo contradicted himself almost immediately, surprising even him. He cleared his throat, regaining composure. "I mean, you can always talk to me about anything. Didn't I say that the other day?"

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