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𝓙ungmo awoke with a sense of unfamiliarity enveloping him that day.

There was a lightness in his steps, a newfound appreciation for the fragrant cherry blossoms, and an uncharacteristic excitement about being at school.

Instead of relying on his family driver, he chose to stroll and immerse himself in the town's scenery.

As he walked, his thoughts revolved around the phone conversation with Heejin the previous night.

Her words lingered in his mind, You don't look like it, but you are curious about me, aren't you?

It had caught him off guard, but Jungmo, known for his honesty, didn't deny it, even to himself. After that phone call, he had fully accepted that, indeed, he was curious about her.

Contrary to Heejin's belief, their initial encounter occurred the previous year during an event hosted by his family's company event.

Much like the present, it was a spring day.


"Jungmo, why are you here instead of attending to the guests?" Mrs. Koo's stern voice reached Jungmo, who stood at the side of the ballroom.

"Mother..." Jungmo began, his mind scrambling to conjure up a convincing excuse as he met her disapproving gaze.

He observed the subtle twitch of his mother's nose as she scrutinized him, and Jungmo felt his throat dry up, realizing he had done a subpar job masking the scent of tobacco.

"Did you smoke again?" Mrs. Koo's glare bore into him. "Koo Jungmo!" she hissed with anger.

"Auntie!" Just in the nick of time, Areum appeared, diverting Mrs. Koo's attention. "The board members have something urgent to discuss with you; come quickly!" Areum swiftly intervened, whisking Mrs. Koo away from Jungmo.

Grateful, he clasped his hands in thanks, and Areum responded with a knowing wink as she led his mother to the other side of the ballroom.

Seizing the opportunity, Jungmo hurried towards one of the exits, making his way to the terrace for a moment of respite. As he stepped into the open air, the dispersed stars in the night sky immediately brought a sense of calm. Weary, he leaned his head sideways on the railing, taking in the tranquil view.

Jungmo's gaze swept across the terrace, searching for a quiet space to collect his thoughts. As he turned a corner, his eyes caught a glimpse of someone standing near the edge, framed by the soft glow of moonlight. It was Heejin.

She stood there, a solitary figure against the backdrop of the night. The subtle play of shadows and moonbeams highlighted the contours of her profile, giving an ethereal quality to her presence.

He couldn't help but notice the way the gentle breeze toyed with her hair, creating a dance of strands that mirrored the stars above.

There was a serene elegance about Heejin as she looked out into the night, lost in her own contemplation. Jungmo hesitated for a moment, captivated by the quiet beauty of the scene before him.

Compelled by an unspoken connection, Jungmo considered approaching her. However, just as he took a step forward, the terrace doors swung open, prompting him to instinctively retreat behind one of the tall bushes.

"Heejin-ah, I've been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing here?" A boy around Jungmo's age approached, prompting him to discreetly observe the unfolding scene.

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