IV. The... Date?

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Stay With Me

IV. The... Date?


this chapter sucks and i am sorry


11:53 AM | May 23rd

After two days of hard work, I finally have my day off. I decide to take a bus to the Maria Plaza to enjoy the lovely weather. I walk past the coffee shop I first met Levi at. I bump into a man wearing a blue polo shirt and some white jeans. "Oof. Sorry, sir," I say looking at the man.

"Captain?" I say.

"Hello, Petra," Levi replies.

I take a step back and give Levi an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Cap'n," I say.

"It's alright. Since you're here, would you like to walk around with me?" Captain asks with a straight face. I widen my eyes and blush a bit.

"S-sure," I say shyly. Captain starts to walk and I follow him. We stop at a store that sells puzzles and board games. Captain looks at me and steps inside. I follow him and look around. This store is amazing. For a while I'm standing in the same exact spot, looking around with a goofy smile.

"Petra," Levi calls. I stop what I'm doing and walk to him.

In Levi's hands is a ring puzzle. There is a large ring attached to an even larger spring. The way to solve the puzzle is to detach the ring from the spring. Levi sees that I'm eager to solve it and hands it to me. I thank him and try to solve it. After what seems like hours of trying, I give up. I sigh and hand the puzzle to Levi. Levi takes it and quickly solves it under what seems like seconds. I widen my eyes and look at Levi.

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"It's easy. You can figure it out," he answers.

I pick up the puzzle again, but Levi takes it from my hands. "Not today," he says. I guess he doesn't have the time for this.

We exit the store with nothing new. I look to my left and find a little girl crying. I look at Levi. He just shrugs. I walk up to the little girl and kneel down on one knee.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

The girl sniffs and wipes her tears away. "I-I-I can't f-find M-mommy," the girl cries.

Levi is behind me. I swear he's cursing in French (Yes. Levi is French).

"What's your name?" Levi asks softly.

"M-Mary," the girl says, sniffing.

"Can we help you find Mommy?" I ask sweetly.

The girl smiles a bit and nods. I take her hand and start to walk. Levi follows, walking on the other side of the girl, making us look like a family. I smile at the sight.

"Let's go to the Customer Service Desk to find your mother, okay?" Levi says with his stoic expression, but in a soft and gentle manner. It amazes me how the captain can be so kind with his intimidating face.

Mary sniffles and smiles. I take her hand and we make our way to Customer Service.

"Hello?" I call.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" the lady at the desk asks. She has dark brown hair tied to the side. (*cough cough* Eren's mother *cough*)

"Mary here got lost and doesn't know where her mother is," Levi says.

"Mary? Do you know your mother's first name?" the lady asks.

"W-Wilma," Mary whispers.

"Wilma. Okay. What's your last name, sweetie?"

[AU!SNK: Rivetra] Stay with MeWhere stories live. Discover now