I. Meeting Captain

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Stay With Me

I. Meeting Captain

5:37 PM | April 4th

I walked into the coffee shop with a smile on my face. The sun was shining and my boss, Rico Brzenska, just told me that I'm getting a promotion soon! You see, I work for the Shiganshina Police Department. I'm in the Garrison division of the Department.

The shop looks quite busy with each cash register occupied by an employee. The lines are fair, not too long, but definitely not short. I get on line and look at the menu. My eyes automatically move to the Hot Beverages section, moving down to the Caramel Latte. The price is $3.80 for the medium size. I order it.

After getting my latte, I find myself a table. The shop is located in the middle of the Plaza, so the window seat would be nice. I walk over to the table, set my coffee down, and take a seat. Unfortunately I forgot to bring a book, so I have the choice of going on my phone or observing the shop. I am a police officer, so I decide to observe the shop to challenge myself. As an officer, I still have to be on guard. It's kind of like being a doctor. When a woman is giving birth, you have to help her. When a criminal is on the loose, you call the department and chase that guy down. It is quite simple.

As my eyes roam the shop, I see a man staring at me. He is on line wearing a dark green polo shirt, some khaki pants, and dark brown dress shoes. He has short, straight black hair styled in an undercut. His eyes are cold, and almost lifeless giving him an intimidating look.The man is fairly short, but still taller than me. His features make him uniquely charming. I try to give him a stare back to scare him, but his eyes stay on mine. I blush and turn to the window.

A few minutes later I look back at him. He is now ordering a Caramel Macchiato with a scone. That must be good, I think. I can hear his voice while he is ordering. His voice is cold, but has no emotion. It fits perfectly with his already attractive appearance. I take a sip of my latte and turn back to the window. When I look back at the register, the man catches my eye. He is seated right in front of me.

"Ah!" I almost scream, surprised.

"I didn't mean to startle you, I apologize," the man says.

"I-it's alright."

"Is it just me or do you look very familiar?"

"Huh?" This man did seem familiar. I remember seeing his face a few times. Though I can't remember where.

"You see, I'm a Captain at the Shiganshina Police Department." The man still has no emotion in his voice or on his face.

Whoa. I work there. "I was just there," I reply.

"As a detective?"

"Actually, as an officer. My boss is Rico Brzenska ."

"I know Rico. So you're from the Garrison part of the Department. I see."

He takes a sip of his macchiato and I take a sip of my latte. Awkward. During the moment of silence between us, he finishes his scone and keeps staring at me. I look at him, blush, and turn away. See how this works? 

I guess I'll be the one who asks questions now.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Levi. Call me Captain Levi, please." The man sitting in front of me is Humanity's Strongest! "You're Petra. Petra Ral." Captain says. I cock an eyebrow at my superior. Oops.

"I know your name because Rico is always bragging about how good you are with a team," Levi says. He looks a little ticked off. I give Levi an awkward smile. I didn't know how to react to his comment.

"I'm happy I got to see you alone, Petra," Levi says. I blush again. "I have been looking for an addition to my squadron. They need to be good with a team. I'd like to ask you if you would join my squad."

I widen my eyes and smile. "Yes, sir! I'd love to join!" I exclaim.

"Good. I know you'll make me proud." Before getting up and leaving, Levi says, "Don't worry about Rico. I'll tell her later. For now, focus on telling your family." I smile and nod. Levi throws his coffee and scone away and waves goodbye. For the rest of the day, I have a smile on my face.


 fair warning: I wrote this in like 7th grade so let's pretend this doesn't exist, yeah? xx

[AU!SNK: Rivetra] Stay with MeWhere stories live. Discover now