Chapter 16

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"Hello Lass!" Matt said as he welcomed Henry. "Hey Matt!" Henry replied. Ruby had come over and they all ordered their food. "Hey guys, I am going to use the restroom." Emma said. Right when they saw her walk in the bathroom, Henry pulled out the book. "Alright, so when she comes back you look curious as I am telling your life story." Henry said. "Alright, so who am I?" Matt asked. Henry flipped through the book and held up the picture of a man with a hook, on a ship. "Who the bloody hell is that?" Matt asked. "Matt, your Captain Hook." Henry said. Matt was surprised, he really thought he would be a prince, or a knight, not some dirty pirate. Before Matt could say anything, Henry gave the cue that Emma was returning. Henry started to read his story. "What are you rea......" Emma started but didn't need to finish. It was the book. "Henry I really don't think Matt want's to hear your stories." Emma said. "No it's alright love really, I am actually interested." Matt replied. "So who are you?" Emma asked. "Well, I guess Captain Hook!" Matt tried saying with happiness. "Who are you?" Matt asked. "She dosn't know yet." Henry interrupted as he strolled to the front of the book. "Yea Henry, who am I?" Emma asked in a joking manner. "Well mom, you are the child of Prince Charming, and Snow White!" Henry said. Now Matt was really ticked off, he was in love with a princess, and he was a dirty old pirate. He hid his anger. "Henry..Henry...Henry!" Emma said as she rubbed her eyes. "So who is Prince Charming and Snow White?" Emma asked. David, and Mary Margret." Henry said. Matt saw Emma's face turn pure white when she heard David was her dad. For a second it actually looked like Emma believed, but the expression was soon gone off her face.

Henry went on through the night telling them their long life family story, and why they where in Storybrooke, and lastly why Emma was in Boston and not Storybrooke.  Matt and Emma both didn't want to hear it. They sat there till closing. "And that's why we need to break the curse." Henry said. "Wait, I had a wife, that was married to Mr. Gold, who had a kid, then Mr. Gold killed her, and took off my hand?" Matt asked confused. Henry shook his head. "Very long story!" Henry said. "Well kid, you better get home before your mom finds out." Emma said. Henry rode his bike home. Matt opened the car door for Emma as she got in the truck. Then he sat in the drivers seat without starting the car. "Look Emma, I promise this is the last time I ask, but is everything alright?" Matt asked with concern. "Yes Matt, everything is fine, just had a really long day. With work, and now my son thinks we are all fairy tails stuck in a different world." Emma said. Matt really just wanted to say it was all real, but instead he went to kiss her. As their lips touched, they both knew this was what they both needed. A long passionate kiss to make their days better then what they were. The kiss became more, and more intense. Emma had her hands rubbing through his scalp as Matt was holding on to her neck.

After about 10 minutes of this Matt started his car and they drove home. They both stayed up late, and drank wine and talked. "Can you believe that my son thinks we are all part of fair tails?" Emma asked smiling. Matt went along with it and replied, "I know, very childish." "Well Matt we better get to bed." Emma said. "Agreed!" Matt said. They went under the warm covers, and Matt wrapped his arm around Emma. She snuggled in tight under his arm. Felling safe and warm.

Emma was in the park all by herself. The exact place where she got stuck. She couldn't move. She saw the old creepy car creep up through the park. It drove up to her. David got out, pointed a gun at her and shot her.

Matt woke up to Emma screaming bloody murder. He immediately responded to her. "EMMA EMMA WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Matt cried as he shacked her. Emma soon shot right up in bed. She was all sweaty and tears rolled down her face. She was breathing heavily as she held on to Matt's arm. Matt could tell she was still freaking out. "Hey Emma it's okay, your okay, I am here your okay." Matt repeated. Matt ran down stairs got a glass of water and ran back up stairs. Emma still breathing heavy, pointed to her purse. Matt went and got it for her. She searched through the bag and pulled out a pill bottle. She took two of the tiny pills. Emma drank all the water. "Emma, are you okay?" Matt asked. "Yea...yea I am fine. I had to take anxiety pills. I had this horrible dream about getting shot again." Emma said. Then she just burst into tears. Matt quickly grabbed her into his arms. Matt held her so tight.

Emma had cried herself to sleep in Matt's arms. Matt really wasn't tired so he sat up with her in his arms all night. When his alarm clock went off at 6 am Emma had waken up. She noticed that she was in Matt's arms, and he was looking down at her. "I am sorry Matt, did I keep you up all night?" Emma asked. "No love, of course not." Matt said with a smile. "I feel asleep in your arms?" Emma asked. Matt replied with a smile, "Yep!' "Thanks Matt!" Emma said. "For what?" Matt asked. "Staying up with me and comforting me." Emma said. "Anytime love!" Matt said as he kissed her on the lips. Matt got up took a shower, while Emma went and took a shower in the other bathroom. They both went down the stairs to leave for work at the same time. They poured each other cups of coffee, kissed at the door and took of to their jobs.

Emma was about half way to work when she remembered that she forgot her purse. When she reached the house, the mail man was dropping off the mail. He handed the mail to Emma and took off. When she got her purse, she looked quickly through the mail. Most of it was for Matt, but there was one letter addressed to Emma, and it was from the Mayor of Storybrooke....Regina....

~Hope you liked this chapter as much as I did! Did you like the Captain Swan moments? Why is there a letter addressed to Emma from Regina? Thanks so much for reading, and thanks for all your support on the book. Means a lot to me! Is it September yet? Well thanks again for reading and remember, keep on shipping Captain Swan!~

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