Chapter 9

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When Emma was finally out the window, she could hardly breath. Her shoulder was in pain with the rest of her body. She slowly stood up. The cold bitter wind blew her hair, and gave her goose bumps up and down her body. She looked in the window and saw her room. Then looked forward and moved on. She saw a bunch of trees ahead, leading into the forest. She thought she could stay there and think a little bit. Maybe hide if they were out looking for her. When she walked she noticed she had horrible pain in her hip. As she walked she had a limp as well. She thought she might look like a zombie.

As she made her way to the trees, she thought of what people might think of her now that she is gone. She thought that Matt would think she ran from him and that she is totally crazy, and that the kiss didn't mean anything. Mary Margret would think she was running away from her problems. And Henry, well he would probably think that she never loved him, and she is trying to get away from him. The thoughts rushed through Emma's head. She found a big tree and sat down and leaned against it. She looked over to see that her shoulder was bleeding through the cloth that covered the wound. Then it crossed Emma's mind, what is she going to do now?

When Matt walked into his home, he dropped everything and went to lay on the couch. He turned on the TV but wasn't even paying attention to it. All he could think about was the kiss. Oh how good it felt knowing she felt the same. He wanted to march down to the hospital and tell Emma how he really felt, but was scared that he was taking it to far. So he lay-ed there and just thought of Emma. How beautiful she was, how much he liked her. Then soon fell asleep.

Regina was in her office all alone on her phone. "What do you not understand about getting rid of Ms. Swan? You could have done better then shooting her in the shoulder. Well now you really screwed it up, he is falling for her. Now that you screwed this whole thing up, you get nothing. Goodbye!" Regina said slamming the phone shut.

Emma was clueless on what to do now. She just can't run. She couldn't run from this, not anymore. She then decided she would stay, not for herself but for Matt, Mary Margret, and most importantly Henry. She was staying, just not in the hospital. Emma thought she could slowly and quietly sneak back to Mary Margret's home.

As she walked through the town, she tried to walk as normal as she could. She saw no one. She walked with her head down. She then saw a cop car coming down the street and quickly walked into an alley which was right there. She was as quiet as possible. This alley was so dark and creepy, she just wanted to get out. She heard the car come to a stop, then a door open. She ran as fast as she could down the alley. The person who was driving the car looked down the alley, and saw Emma running. Emma then ran faster, and faster. It hurt her so much. Then she fell. Then the person came up to Emma. It was David. She laid there helplessly in pain. "What the hell are you doing?" David asked. "I didn't want to stay there anymore, so I was going to go to Mary Margret's." Emma replied. "Do you know how sever your injuries are?" David asked. "Look I..." Emma started but was cut off by David. "Look, I am not telling anyone this happened, but I am taking you back." He said. "Please, I am fine. Just take me to Mary Margret's" Emma cried. "I'm sorry Emma I can't." David said with sorrow.

Emma was in so much pain she couldn't even stand up. David helped her up, then carried her back to the car. The ride back to the hospital was quiet. "So, did you find the shooter?" Emma asked. "Look, I can't really tell you anything." David replied. "Let me guess, you know who did it, but you can't bring it up. And you are going to lie to this whole town, just to keep Regina's secret." Emma said. "If I told everyone Regina hired someone, I would be killed. So yes Regina did hire someone, but I can't say anymore." David said. "So, it was her idea." Emma said. "Yes, it was her idea. No you can't tell anyone. If you do, then I tell everyone about this night. Do you understand?" David said furiously. Emma nodded her head.

David helped Emma back into bed, and closed the window. He told the nurse what had happened and to not tell anyone. The nurse agreed and put Emma back together. While Emma was escaping, Emma had torn her shoulder apart. She had to sew it back together. When the nurse was all done, she left, and there again, Emma was all alone, in that room, in complete silence. She turned and laid on her side looking at the wall. She just burst into tears. She really couldn't stop. She was in pain, and she just wished none of this would have happened. She had cried herself to sleep that night.

The next morning she woke up in the same position. Her eyes full of crust from the tears last night. She sat up and looked around the room. She sat up so fast she had gotten lightheaded. The nurse soon walked in. "Well, good morning Emma!" The nurse said in excitement. Emma just smiled and stretched. "Well, it's your lucky day. You get to leave today." The nurse said. Emma smiled a big smile. "So, all you have to do is sign some papers and have one more examination, and then you can leave." The nurse explained. Emma was so thrilled. "Thank you!" Was all Emma could say. Next the nurse checked all of Emma's injuries, and heartbeat. The nurse brought some papers, and Emma signed all of them. The nurse also helped Emma get into her clothes, and got all her medicines, and extra stuff in a bag. "Alright Emma. Just wait here and your ride will be here soon." The nurse said. Before Emma could ask who her ride was, the nurse had already left the room. She sat there on the bed with pure joy. She could see Henry, and Mary Margret. The only thing that upset her about leaving was she couldn't see as much of Matt as she had.

Emma looked around the room, and waited. Then soon the door opened. There came Matt pushing an empty wheelchair with a bouquet of flowers. He had a huge smile on his face. "Aww Matt!" Emma said with joy. She slowly stood up and he came to her side. As soon as he approached her she pulled him in for a tight long hug. "Well Swan. I am going to admit it. I didn't think I would see you leaving this hospital." Matt said during the hug. When she let go she got lightheaded because she was holding on so tight. He walked her over to the wheel chair and wheeled her out. They both had huge smiles on there faces!

~So what did you think? Sorry this took so long to update. I had sever writers block. Like it was bad, but now I am on the right track. Thanks so much for reading it. May not have been the best chapter, sorry, but I really thank you for reading this. Again I thank everyone for all the support I have been getting on the book. Anything you would like to see in the book comment. Tell me what you thought. Thanks again, and remember....Keep on shipping Captain Swan!!~

True Love? A Captain Swan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें