Chapter 1

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Setting- Emma and Henry have just rolled into Storybrooke. Emma thinks this idea is completely crazy. Emma and Henry have just walked up to the front door of his house.

The door opened right as they rang the door bell. There stood a woman with a short hair cut with hair the color of dark dark brown. Her black dress reached just above her knees. Her eyes were filled with tears and a smile as big as the moon. The woman reached out to Henry and wrapped him in her arms. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Cried the woman.

Behind the woman was a man with dirty blond hair. His hands on his hips. He had a badge stating he was the sheriff. He was not to tall. He had his gun on the side of his belt alongside his cell phone.

The woman stood up. "Who are you?" Asked the woman. "Emma my name is Emma." The man in the back had the face of curiosity, as if he knew an Emma, but quickly shook the look of his face. "This is my real mom, the one you hid from me!" Henry said as he ran upstairs. "What, how did he find you?" The woman said. "Well he just showed up and I did have a son and gave him up for adoption, and soon figured that yes I am his mother." Emma said with a little giggle and laugh. "Well his mother by blood." The woman said. "I am so very sorry I never introduced myself, Regina Mills, mayor of Storybrooke." The Woman said. They shook hands,and then it got quiet. "David, sheriff of the town." The man said in the back, as he reached his hand out to shake Emma's.

"I can't thank you enough for finding Henry, perhaps a drink before you hit the road back home?" Regina asked. "No really I am fine, but I think I should get going." Emma said. She shook Regina's hand and they said their goodbyes. She also said goodbye to David. Emma walked out of the big white house very slowly. She felt as if she gained a million dollars and then lost it all in less than an hour. A tear rolled down her cheek. She was alone her whole life and then boom Henry came and she felt not alone, she had hope. It was not her natural instinct to always have hope, but this time she did.

Emma was so tired of being alone. She thought about what Henry said about the whole story thing, but quickly thought that she was going crazy now. She buckled up and started speeding out of the town knowing it was getting to her head. She soon just wanted to scratch this whole memory out of her head, wanting to act like this never happened. She was soon approaching the "Come again" sign, when she slammed on her brakes. She freaked out. It was almost like an anxiety attack. All this emotion came rushing through her. It felt as though she couldn't breath. She quickly got out of her care and leaned over trying to breath. When she finally caught her breath she looked back then looked ahead of her. She got back into her car and drove back to the town. She found a hotel and went in. She got a room and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning she couldn't believe that she had slept in till 9 am. She soon fixed her hair, and tried looking like she didn't sleep in the cloths she was wearing yesterday. She found a diner, and got a hot chocolate with cinnamon. Everyone looked at her like she killed somone. She was still trying to clear her head when she saw someone walk in the door. There stood a guy. With a big smile on his face. Waving and saying hello to everyone there. He was tall, with facial hair that was not long, but you could tell it was there. His hair was dark brown. His eye's were as blue as the sea. And his accent was so strong. It was almost like an Irish accent. But what really caught Emma's eye was his hand. It was fake.

~Who is this man that has one fake hand. Will Emma ever talk to him. What is Emma's future plans? To stay in Storybrooke or leave back to her old life? I hope you enjoyed this little peak at my story. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Any suggestions? I hope it was not to much like the original show.~ Thanks for reading! 

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