Chapter 12

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Chills ran up and down Emma's spine when Matt walked in. It was like the world stopped, and nobody was there besides her and him. Matt looked around then found Emma sitting in the booth. When their eyes made contact, they both blushed, and smiled. He walked over and sat down.

"Well Swan, how was your day?" Matt asked. "Well, wonderful, and yours?" Emma asked. "Great now that I am with you!" Matt responded. That really made Emma blush. Emma thought they sounded like a married couple. Ruby came over right away. "Hey guys! What can I get you?" Ruby asked. "I will take a burger with fries, and a Coke." Emma said. Matt smiled and looked shocked. "That is so weird, I was going to get the same thing!" Matt replied. They laughed, and Ruby smiled.

Ruby walked over to the kitchen to place the order. "They are such a great couple!" Ruby said to her grandmother. "You got that right. The whole town is buzzing about them being together!" Ruby's grandmother responded. "Yea, I think Matt finally met the one!" Ruby said then walked away.

"So Emma, the news, what is it?" Matt asked. "Oh yea! Well, I am getting tired of staying at the house all day, so I got a job at the police station!" Emma said. "Well Swan, congratulations! I always thought there was a protector in you!" Matt said. Emma smiled. "I start tomorrow, and I am really nervous." Emma said. "Swan, I know you will do great!" Matt said. Emma smiled, and Matt smiled back. Emma got lost in his eyes, oh how blue they were. As blue as the ocean. Matt got lost in Emma's smile. It was such a happy smile, so happy it could light up a room in seconds. "So, how is staying at Mary Margret's?" Matt asked. "Well, crowded. I love Mary Margret. I just feel like I don't get any privacy besides the bathroom. My bed is right by the kitchen and living room, but it's better then nothing." Emma said. "Really, I feel the opposite. It's way to quiet in my place, so much room." Matt replied.

What Matt really wanted was for Emma to move into his house, but thought she would feel uncomfortable. "Well, there is a place where you can adopt pets, and I was thinking about going tomorrow, maybe get a dog. I was wondering if you would like to come?" Matt asked. "I would love to come!" Emma responded. "Great!" Matt said. Emma just smiled. The food came and they were so hungry, it was gone in minutes. Matt talked about his day, and really Emma was not paying attention at all. She just got lost in his face, and voice. "So Emma, did you want to come back to my place?" Matt asked nervously. He was scared this was taking it to far. "Yes, I would love to!" Emma replied back. She was actually really happy he asked.

Emma followed Matt to his house in her car. On the way there, she was really considering telling him how she felt about him. Matt was doing the same in his car. Practicing the speech he might give to her.

When they got to his house, Emma filled with fear, she was scared to tell him how she felt. "Can I get you a drink?" Matt asked. "Well, do you have red wine?" Emma asked. "I sure do!" Matt said. He walked into the kitchen to get the drinks. Emma noticed there were no personal pictures, but back in the city Emma didn't have any either. She thought about tons of topics they could talk about so they wouldn't have those awkward silences. Matt soon came out with drinks. He poured Emma a glass, then himself one. "So, Emma. In the city, do you live by yourself, or is there family there?" Matt asked. "No, just me. All my life I never really had family. I lived in a home for kids who don't have family. Then I got older and got my own place, and a job." Emma said. Matt was suddenly interested in the story. Although Emma left out the part about how she was in jail, and had a boyfriend who framed her, and left her alone to suffer.

"So Matt, what's your story?" Emma asked. "My story is pretty boring, but I will tell you anyway. So I have been in Storybrooke all my life. I don't have a family either. Really all I do is the same thing everyday. Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep. Then the same thing all over the next day." Matt answered. "Well, looks like we have one thing in common, no family!" Emma said. They both smiled. Emma was about ready to tell Matt how she felt about him, but the longer she waited, the more nervous she got, and the more nervous she got the more she drank. Right when Emma was going to start her little speech Matt started talking. "Emma, I need to tell you something. When I first saw you my heart skipped a beat. When we first talked, I knew you were the one. All my life I have felt lonely, but when I am with you, I feel complete. Emma, you complete me, and I never want to go a day without talking to you, or seeing you. This may sound really cheesy, but it's the truth. I love you Emma Swan!" Matt said. Emma was quiet. She had a smile on her very red face, and her eyes were full of tears. Then she smiled bigger, and more tears. Matt was relieved she was smiling, but was the crying a good thing?

"Matt, I had this whole speech thing I was going to tell you. It was about how much I loved you, and all my feelings about you, but all I can say is......I never felt complete, but when I am with you I do feel complete. I know it's not a lot to say but..." Emma said but then was cut off. Matt kissed her. "Emma you don't have to say anything!" Matt said then went back to kissing mode. They both were so relieved they got that off their minds. To Emma the wine kicked in, and the rest of the night was a blank.

~Sorry this is such a short chapter. I hope you enjoyed this little Captain Swan moment. PLEASE tell me what you thought in the comments, and thanks for all the support on the book. I know I say that a lot! I hope your enjoying the book, and thank you so much for all the reads, likes, and comments. I hope you continue reading. Thanks, and remember, keep on shipping Captain Swan!~

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