Chapter 4

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"So where are we going for dinner?" Emma asked. "You'll see." Matt said with a smirk. Emma just smiled. "Can I ask you a question?" Emma asked. "Well of course you can." Matt replied. "When I told a friend that lives her that you asked me out on a date, she was shocked and said you never ask anyone out on a date. Why me?" Emma said. "Well first love, I mean Emma sorry I call a lot of people love. Any ways, not a date, just dinner. More like a welcome to Storybrooke dinner, but really if you want to call it a date you can." Matt said. Emma kind of just smiled curiously.

They walked down the street to grannies. "Wait, we dressed up for this cafe?" Emma asked. "Well if you would just wait, and see." Matt said. They walked through the door and there stood one of the waitresses. "Well hello Ruby, is it ready yet?" Matt asked. "Yes it is, follow me please." Ruby said with a smile. They went through the kitchen door, then up some stairs onto to roof. It was lit up with lights and candles. There in the middle of the roof was a table. Ruby walked over, and the two followed. Matt pulled Emma's chair out for her. "Thank you very much." Emma said with a smile. Matt just smiled back. He sat down as well. "Glass of wine love?" Matt asked. "Of course." Emma replied.

Emma looked down at the menu. She was thinking about how Matt had said this wasn't a date, but really it felt like an engagement dinner. With all the lights, and flowers. "So Emma, what do you do for a living?" Matt asked. "Well, I am almost like a cop, but not really. I guess I could say I find people." Emma replied. "Well, that sounds very interesting. Was it kinda weird how Henry found you?" Matt asked. Emma laughed. "Just a little." Emma replied with laugh. Matt and Emma could really feel the awkwardness in the conversation. Soon after, Ruby came out with two very fancy salads.

"Emma, I am not going to lie, this date was set up by Henry." Matt said with embarrassment. "I knew it, I was a little suspicious." Emma said soon after. They laughed. "So Matt, how long have you been a doctor?" Emma asked to keep the conversation going. "Well..." Matt started. "As long as I can remember." Matt finished. He quickly changed the topic. "So, do you know an exact time you will be leaving?" Matt asked. "I think in two days, but don't tell Henry. Just in case you happen to run into him." Emma said. Matt did a little smirk while he looked down.

The meal went by actually really fast. Emma was surprised. They had their man meal then a bit of dessert. A bit more wine, and a lot of talking. That to surprised Emma. She felt as if they had been friends for years, they laughed so hard, and told so many stories. Emma told most of the stories, but kept Matt interested.

"Well it's been a lovely dinner, thank you so much!" Emma said. "Yes, yes your welcome." Matt said as he started to stand up. Emma couldn't help but look at his one missing hand.

"I hope this isn't rude, but how did you loose your hand?" Emma asked. "Not rude at all love, I mean Emma. I was born with no hand." Matt said. It got silent, but Emma soon continued. "Well, thanks so much again, and see you around town." Emma said. They walked down the stairs together. When they reached the door Emma didn't want to be rude. She hugged Matt, and Matt hugged right back. "See you later." Matt said. Emma started out the door. He watched her walk down the street. "She is beautiful." Matt said to himself softly and quietly. He soon started heading the other way down the sidewalk. Emma stopped, turned around to see Matt walking the other way. She smiled then continued walking.

While Emma was walking she almost felt as if she was being watched, or followed. She then started speed walking. When she reached the apartment she took her shoes off and ran as fast as she could inside. She quickly got in and shut the door. She took a breather. She then looked on the couch and saw Mary Margret sleeping. She changed out of the dress and saw her suit case on a bed right outside the living room. She changed then shut off all the lights. She laid in bed thinking about this whole Storybrooke adventure. She tossed and turned. She kept thinking about Matt. She couldn't come to a conclusion about what she thought of him. Then she realized....she had feelings for him.

~Thanks so much for reading this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments, and if you liked it, hit the like button. Any suggestions or advice please tell me in the comments. Sorry this was so short. Keep on shipping Captain Swan!!~

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