Chapter 2

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Once Emma realized she was staring at the man, she quickly looked away and took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Wow, he is hot." Emma thought to herself. Emma heard the people laugh as this man told a joke. She could tell he was a total flirt with the girls as she saw them all crowd around him and point out all his perfect details.

David came running into the diner and ran up to Emma. "You need to come with me. NOW!" David said. The whole diner got quiet, and David pulled her out to his cop car. "What, am I under arrest or something?" Emma asked with attitude. He put her in the passenger seat, as if he trusted her. "Where is Henry?" He asked with anger. "What, he is missing?" Emma asked. "Yea, Regina got a call from the school asking where he was. Now Regina is ticked and wants to know where he is. She accused you of taking him, but to be honest I trusted you from the moment you walked through the front door last night." "Well I have no idea where he is but I will help you look." "Great we are going back to his house to pick up Regina."

On the way there it was pretty quiet. "So that guy in the diner with the accent, who is that?" Emma asked. "Oh yea him, his name is Matt. What, did he catch your heart to?" David asked sarcastically. "Well no, um, but why do you ask that?" Emma said with a little laugh. "Sorry, that was not a good question. Just every girl in this town falls for him, but he never falls for them, which actually surprises me." He said with a little smirk. "What does he do for a living?" Emma asked. "What is with all the questions about him?" David responded back. "I was just curious!" Emma said. "Okay well he works at the hospital, he works in the E.R." "Okay don't get mad but what happened to his hand?" Emma asked. "Well as long as I can remember he has always had that. So I really don't' know." David responded.

They pulled into the driveway and there stood Regina. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON?" Yelled Regina. "Nothing, I have no idea what happened, but I am here to help you look." Emma said. Regina just rolled her eyes and walked back into the house. "Does he have a phone with him?" Emma asked as she examined the big house. "Well of course he does, he is 12 years old." Regina said rudely. "Well can I use a computer and can I have his number?" Emma asked. Regina pointed towards the computer just a few feet away and she typed in his number. The computer showed a map and a big arrow pointing to the location of the phone. "Where is that?" Emma asked as she pointed to the computer. Regina put her hand on her head as she looked at the floor. "It's his castle, well the towns playground. He goes there when he is mad, but he is most likely there because he is mad at me." Regina said.

"He is probably there because of me." Emma said. "So I will go get him just give me the directions." David wrote down the way there. She walked there it was so close. He was sitting there with the book. He jumped up when he saw her. "YOU STAYED YOU STAYED!!!" He said with excitement. "Yea I did but why did you run away?" Emma said. "Because I was mad at my mom, she has lied and kept so many secrets from me." He replied. "Oh yea what kind of secrets?" "Well she is the evil queen. She hates me and well she is not my real mom." "Come on kid. You can't...Wait what? The evil queen. Wait let me guess the book told you that?" Emma said. "This book is real mom, its all real." "Alright first don't call me mom, and second it's a book and this is reality. Your mom loves you and she would do anything for you." "I am going to prove to you that this is not fake. It won't take long you just have to trust me!" Henry said. "Fine, I will let you try to prove to me that the book is real. But you have one week!" Emma said. "ALRIGHT DEAL!" Henry cried with joy.

They went straight back to Henry's house. Regina did the whole reunion thing again just like last night. "Well Ms. Swan I am grateful for your work here. Safe travels." Regina said as she started to close the door. Emma stopped it. "Actually I am staying for a week, just to journey this little town." Emma said back. She didn't want Regina finding out about the book thing just in case she didn't know. "Ms. Swan I can assure you there is really nothing here to see." "Well that's okay, I need a vacation away from the city." Emma turned around and walked away. Regina had a look of complete disgust on her face and closed the door.

Emma always packed extra cloths in her car because work always meant night stays. She had a fully fresh packed suit case that she now just remembered. She took her suit case up to her room and took a shower. She cleaned up and went for dinner at the diner. She walked into the quiet diner. She hadn't eaten since she had arrived. She was just to distracted with all that had been going on. When she finally got her food she ate so much so fast she just couldn't believe it. She talked with the waitress Ruby and then soon saw a woman walk in. She had a pixie hair cut with black hair. She was semi short with a big long jacket on. "Wow it is cold out there." The woman said as she sat by Emma. "One hot chocolate with cinnamon please." The woman said. It weird-ed Emma out that she liked hot chocolate with cinnamon too. "Are you new in town?" The girl asked. "Yea my name is Emma, um the Mayors son's real mom." The girl was shocked. "Wow Henry is actually in my class that is so weird. The name is Mary Margret." She said as she stuck out her hand to shake Emma's.

They talked for hours as if they were best friendsf. "So Emma when are you leaving?" Mary Margret asked. "In a week." She responded. "So it must be weird seeing your son after so long." "Yea it is, really weird." It was soon closing time and Emma and Mary Margret said their goodbye's. "Well we should get together more often." Mary Margret said. "Yea, yea lets do that sometime, whats your number?" Emma asked. They exchanged numbers. Emma soon after started walking home. She was looking at her phone when she ran into someone. "Oh my I am so sorry...." Emma started then looked up. She got lost in his eyes. "It's really alright love not a big deal." Said the man. It was him, it was Matt.

~I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if you thought it was to much like the show. Please feel free to give me some advice. Or any ideas for the book. So what do you think of Matt so far? Comment, like and keep shipping Captain Swan!~

Thanks for reading!

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