Chapter 14

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Matt walked up the stairs to the room Emma was in, the door was closed. He knocked, "Emma, I have your clothes." Matt said. No reply. He knocked again, and again, and nothing. Matt was someone who would worry a lot. He started to be concerned. What if she fell in the shower or something. He knocked harder. He could hear the shower running. "Swan, I am coming in!" Matt cried. He burst through the locked door. There Emma stood in a towel just leaving the bathroom. She screamed and ran back in the bathroom. "WHAT THE HELL?" Emma cried. "I AM SO SORRY SWAN!" Matt cried rushing out of the room. Matt was so embarrassed, he couldn't handle it. He went to the kitchen and started to cook, trying to forget about it.

Emma soon came down the stairs in some fresh clothes. To Matt she smelled like cherry blossoms. She walked in the kitchen laughing. "Look love, I am so sorry. I knocked and you didn't answer and I started to get worried." Matt cried. He was so embarrassed. Emma just laughed harder. "What the hell is so funny?" Matt asked. "I am just laughing at you, I wasn't mad, you just scared me!" Emma said. Emma continued to laugh, and Matt just kinda smiled. He was really happy she wasn't mad. 

Matt and Emma set up the table together, and filled their plates with food. "Matt I have a question, what did I tell you about my old life?" Emma asked. "Well love, you told me about your whole life as a child, then about life with Neal, and then prison." Matt said. "Look, I have changed!" Emma stated. "Yes Swan, I can tell you have!" Matt replied. "Oh, love you also told me about the book!" Matt said. Emma sat there for a while and thought of what book, then it came to her. "Oh Henry's book!" Emma said. "Yes, very interesting!" Matt said. "Yea, can you believe he thinks it's real!" Emma laughed out. Matt looked down at his hands. "Wait, Matt you believed it?" Emma asked curiously. "No of course not! That's impossible." Matt said. What Matt was really hiding, was that he believed it. Henry had talked about it to him before, and he started to believe him. He started having dreams of him in this land with magic, but he didn't know what fairy tail character he was.

Matt soon stopped thinking of that. "So Emma, can I ask you a question?" Matt asked. "Yes of course you can!" Emma replied. "Look, it's totally okay you if you don't want to, but I have been wondering if you wanted to move in here for a while. Mary Margret said it was getting crowded in the apartment, and I thought you might want to. I get kinda lonely here." Matt said. Emma sat there just looking at Matt. Matt's heart was beating so hard. His hands were sweaty and shaking. "Matt, I have never felt loved in my whole life, and nobody ever cared for me. I felt like the whole world was against me, until I met you. So yes Matt, I would love to move in with you!" Emma said with a huge smile. Matt was so thrilled. He stood up to give Emma a hug, that hug soon turned into a kiss. One very aggressive kiss. Emma and Matt were finally on the same page. They had no care in the world right now, all they cared about was each other. To Emma this was it, this was the one, the one she wanted to spend the rest of her days with. Matt finally found his princess, Emma Swan was his princess.

The next morning Emma woke up to the sun shinning in her face. She rolled over to see a note and a flower. It read....

Dear Swan

Had to go into work today early, have an amazing first day of work.

Love Matt!

Emma smiled at the note, and got up ready for work. When she got to the station David was at the door. "Sorry Emma I was not here yesterday, I was sick." David said. "It's alright, Matt told me!" Emma said with a smile.  "Alright Emma, so we start everyday with a drive around town, just checking it all out." David said as he started the car. To Emma, this was going to be a long day.

Back at the hospital Matt left at lunch time to go to the school. He walked down the long hallway to Mary Margret's room. He knocked softly on the door. Mary Margret walked back. "Can I help you Matt?" Mary Margret asked. "Yes, can I talk to Henry? It's important." Matt asked. "Is everything alright?" Mary Margret asked. "Yes love, everything is okay, I just need to speak with Henry." Matt said. Mary Margret got Henry, and Henry went out in the hall. "Hey Matt, is everything alright?" Henry asked. "Yes, but it's about Emma." Matt said. "What about her?" Henry asked. Matt looked down at the floor then back at Henry, "She dosen't believe..."

~Thanks so much for reading! I really enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a little short. Thanks for all the comments. So what do you think of the story so far? Tell me in the comments. FYI, this perfect love story will have some bumps in the road coming up! THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! And remember, keep on shipping Captain Swan!~

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