Chapter 10

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Matt wheeled Emma out to his truck which was right outside the entrance doors. Emma admired how nice his truck was, she thought it made more hot. Matt helped Emma out of the chair and into the truck. He handed her the flowers and returned the chair. She sat there in the fairly cold truck. She waited for what felt like 5 minutes for Matt to return to the truck. Finally he came out. "Sorry love, got stuck talking with a patient." Matt said. "Oh, it's alright. Thanks so much for the beautiful flowers, and the ride." Emma replied. "Anytime, Mary Margret is still at work so she is picking you up at my house." Matt said. Emma felt like a little kid who was taken around all the time by divorced parents.

The ride was silent, and some what awkward, but Emma was sure they were past the awkward stage. When they reached his huge home, Matt helped Emma out and inside. Emma thought he lived in a mansion. It was so big and beautiful. When they reached inside he lead her to the couch. When she sat down it was like sitting on silk feathers. "I never saw you living in such a big beautiful home!" Emma said. "Well thank you Swan. I was told it was in the family forever." Matt replied. "Can I get you anything, water, food?" Matt asked. "No I am good, well actually ice water would be fine." Emma responded. Matt went and got the water. Emma just could stop looking around. There was so much to see, and this was just one room. She saw a big black grand piano, right by a big white stair case. Matt soon walked in with the glass of ice water. "I didn't know you played piano." Emma said. "Well, yea as much as I can with one hand." Matt said with a smirk. "Play something." Emma said. "Well, really I am not that good." Matt said. "Oh, you can do it!" Emma said. He walked over and played. He looked down at the keys, and started to play twinkle twinkle little star, but not just that, he added little things in with it. Like adding different tunes in. It was amazing to Emma, she was just lost listening to the music and looking at him. When he was done he looked up at Emma. "So you can't play." Emma said sarcastically. They both laughed.

"So, you want to see the rest of the house?" Matt asked. "Yes! Of course I would." Emma replied. He showed her his huge kitchen and all of his favorite recipes. Then showed her the dining room, and the extremely nice basement. All that was left to show was the upstairs. As Matt slowly helped Emma up the stairs Emma asked, "So, you live in this huge home all by yourself?". "Well, Swan you see I have been living all by myself in this huge home, well for as long as I can remember. I would love to just get a little apartment, but I guess somethings just don't work out." Matt said. Emma was starting to get curious with why everybody she talked to always says "As long as I can remember."

When they got up the stairs she looked down a long long hallway. He walked her down showing her all the extra rooms, and the bathroom. At the end of the hallway, was Matt's room. They walked in. Emma was amazed by how big it was. His bed was one of the biggest beds she has ever seen. He even had a bathroom. She looked around then did a little jump and landed on his bed. She laughed and he just smiled, almost like a flirty smile. Emma sunk in with the bed. "This could possible be the most comfortable bed I have ever been on!" Emma said. He laughed and sat on the end. Then Emma moved right by him. "Look, Matt. I really want to thank you for all you have done. You are the kindest person I have met. All my life I had never felt wanted, or loved, and when I am around you I feel wanted and loved. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world. So thank you so much!" Emma said. Matt looked her in the eyes and said, "Emma, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I am honored to help you." Their faces got closer, and their eyes both shut in sink. Then their lips soon touched. Emma got that feeling again, but this time it was stronger.

Matt then and there was certain that she liked him back, he was positive. The kissing got more intense as the time went on. They both knew that they liked each other, and had nothing to hide. The kissing was soon broken by the sound of the door bell. They soon opened their eyes and both smiled at each other. The door bell sounded again. They got up and went downstairs in silence. Emma went and sat on the couch, while Matt answered the door. It was Mary Margret and Henry. Matt welcomed them in and Henry came rushing in. He ran up to Emma and hugged her so tight. She didn't hesitate to hug back. "Do you know how much I missed you?" Henry asked. Emma laughed and responded, "I am guessing a lot." Henry went back into hug. After about 30 seconds, Henry let go and Emma got up to hug Mary Margret. Mary Margret was always on the sensitive side, and had a huge smile and a tear running down her cheek. Emma hugged her. Emma hugged Matt last. "Thanks for everything!" Emma said. "Anytime Swan!" Matt said. She smiled, and turned around and put her arm around Henry's shoulder. Matt closed the door slowly, and turned around and sat down, back to the door. He looked at his big empty house, and realized, he was all by himself, again. And for that little time with Emma, he didn't feel alone. Every time he was with Emma, he never felt alone. The little pit in his heart was back, and Emma was the only one who could fill it.

Emma, Mary Margret, and Henry all went to the diner for dinner. They laughed and told stories, and all had hot chocolate and cinnamon. For this time in Storybrooke, Emma felt like she had a family, and that feeling made her so happy inside, she decided for sure, she woulnd't be leaving Storybrooke for a while.

~How was this chapter? Are you liking the Captain Swan action that is happening? Thanks so much for reading, and I really do hope you like my story! Tell me what you thought. And remember, keep on shipping Captain Swan!~

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