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Fuad was seated across Rumaisa outside in the gazebo. Her phone call still shocked him. He didn't understand what was going on but he wasn't worried, he was relieved.

"So you came" She says smiling.
"I did, I would have came earlier if I didn't have a busy schedule but I squeezed a bit of my time to meet up with you so I can't stay here for long" he tells her so he doesn't sound desperate.

"Well Jabir and I talked and I think he's right. We can't stay mad for a long time, we have to forgive and forget the past, don't you agree?"She asks.

Forgiving was one thing but forgetting it was another. It didn't seem normal to him, not that it was impossible but it felt far-fetched.

"Wow! That's good news" he simply says back.
"I know. Mama is having dinner next week Friday and I thought maybe I should invite you if you don't mind?" She asks him.

He stays quiet looking at her for a few seconds. He wanted to figure out what it was that she was planning because he knew that there was no way she'd let him go so easily.

"What's wrong?You don't want to?" She asks slightly afraid he might decline and ruin her plans.
"Do you mind if I invite anyone?" He asks waiting for her response.

She stopped smiling and her face turned hard anger partly showing.
"Why do you need to come with a girl?"
"I never told you it was a girl but you guessed right"

"No you can't " She says back forcing a smile on her face.
"Is your boyfriend coming too?" He asks.
"Of course he is. He's my boyfriend".
"Then I'm coming with Hadiza since she is 'my' girlfriend too"

She sighs and turns her head away.
"Is she the girl I met the other day?" She asks obviously trying to calm herself down.
"Yeah pretty right?" He asks with a smirk.
"I don't really like her".

"That's the thing, your ex would never admit that you found someone better than they are even if they know it. Or they don't want to see someone else apart from yourself making them happy, for instance Zubair".
He says but she says nothing back, just staring at him.
"I should go. I have a busy schedule". He says getting up.
They say their goodbyes and he left but she knew he was partly right. She doesn't like Hadiza because he played her to be with her. And maybe now she might as well be part of the revenge, she might have to suffer the same fate as her beloved.


"I doubt you know what you are saying" Salam says to Sarah.
"Be careful I am older than your sister, so I'm old enough to be your mother".

"Yeah definitely if my mother was trash, right?" He asks.
"You're annoying and stupid" She says looking irritated.
Just then Jabir comes in with Rumaisa trailing behind him begging.

"Please" She says pouting.
"What the hell? I can't." he answers back falling on the couch with his iPad.
"Okay when?"
"Never ever ever ever, understand my words?" He asks.

"Okay whatever. I thought you would be going to stay at work till nine?" She asks.
"So you can take it? Hell no!".
"I'm tired of looking. What is going on?" Salam asks.

"None of your business" she answers back.
"She wants my Netflix password" he answers back.
"Then why don't you just give her?" Sarah asks.
"Continue cutting your nails" he tells her angrily.
"That's too much" Salam says.
"Not for her" he answers back.

She holds her hand and walks out.
"Fuad is coming later today with his girlfriend". Salam says.
"It explains her mood since she left her bed".


Fuad didn't want to go with Hadiza but he knew if he went alone he would have to watch Rumaisa and Zubair together, so he called Hadiza.

Hey baby.

Fuad what do you want?
She asks sternly.

I want to apologize for the way I acted. I know it was wrong, I shouldn't have behaved that way. I'm really sorry.

So you expect me to just forgive you. Because of that lame apology?

Well I also wanted to know if you would escort me to somewhere I was invited to.

Oh really? Who is going to be there?

People you will get to know better when we get married.

Fatima? No need we already talk on Twitter.

Not Fatima only. You'll get to know them all.

When is it? Next month?

Nope. Today.

What? So you're only telling me now? Did someone decline you and then you decided to ask me?

No. No way. I knew my offense was grievous. I knew I had to find a perfect way to apologize. It had to be perfect, I didn't want to make any mistakes. If I don't go with you then I swear I won't go at all and if you don't forgive me, don't worry I understand.

So you had to ask for help before calling me?

Absolutely. I know I would not be able to accomplish it alone.

You're right you wouldn't. What should I wear? Since I can't go shopping now?

Anything simple and gorgeous I'm sure it's not going to be hard to find since you're already gorgeous.

I know. Alright. What time are you picking me up?

5pm. I'll be there on the clock.


Okay I have to go I have a meeting.

Okay bye baby. I love you.

Me too..
He ends the call.

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