Chapter 15//The Move

Comenzar desde el principio

We walked into a massive room with a king sized 'L' shaped couch full of cushions and blankets, a massive plasma TV, six bean bags, two small couches and a shelf full of stacked CD's and another shelf stacked with movies.

"I bought fairy lights! Help me put them up." And Calum ran into the kitchen and grabbed the fairy lights.

We placed the mattresses on the ground and tested out the bean bags.

"Wow! I love this sitting room so much!" I exclaimed.

"We knew you would like it boo" Luke smiled "and we have a cabinet full of pillows, cushions and blankets!" Luke ran to a cabinet in the corner of the room and opened it. There was so much blankets and pillows inside the cabinet!

Calum comes running into the room with ten packets of fairy lights.

We all stared at him like we never saw fairy lights in our life.

"What! They were on sale!" We said sounding hurt, we all just laughed then we helped him put them up.

"Michael don't use sticky tape! Use the plastic things we get in the packet!" Insisted Luke, Michael just sighed and ripped the sticky tape from the wall.

"You see now Michael you just ripped some of the paint of, good job!" And Ashton started clapping sarcastically.

Michael just pouted and said sorry.

"Now that we have our mattresses down and fairy light put up let's watch movies!" Said Michael excitedly "but we need to order pizza first." Added Michael.

By the time we ordered pizza's,messed around and put our mattresses in the sitting room it was already 8 pm

We ordered three large pepperoni, margarita and Hawaiin pizza's then we picked some movies.

"Let's watch 'Forrest Gump' suggested Michael.

"Lucy's only nine." Added Ashton.

"Oh yeah." Sighed Mikey

"Let's watch 'Frozen'." Luke's eyes lit up.

"Let it go! Let it go!" We all sang and laughed at our sudden outburst.

*Pop! Pop!*

The popcorn was almost finished its final popping session.

"Come on guys I'm about to turn on the fairy lights!" Shouted Calum from the sitting room, after he had finished putting up the rest of the fairy lights and connecting the switches.

"The only thing you can turn on is the microwave!" Michael shouted back, and we all started laughing at Mikey's joke.

"Hey!" Pouted Calum.

"It was only a joke Cal-Pal." Said Mikey walking into the sitting room pinching Calum's cheeks.

He pushed Mikey away smiling.

"Gather around Lucy and gentlemen for Calum's fantastic fairy light display!" Announced Calum.

"Their just fairy lights." Pointed out Luke.

"Three,two, one! Calum's fabulous fairy lights display!" Sang Calum, and he pressed a button on the control. Suddenly the room lit up with thousands of little lights around the huge room, it was breath takingly amazing!

"Wow." Ashton looked up at all the fairy lights his eyes sparkled.

"It's amazing." Luke gazed up at the lights.

"It's like a million stars were planted around this room." Mikey looked up in awe.

"Told you it was amazing" bragged Calum "and they have three settings"

He said as he pressed other buttons.

"Normal, strobe and flash."

And all the lights flashed on and off in different patterns.

"Alright I know it's amazing but let's watch the movie now." Luke broke the silence.

"My mattress!" Luke pouted kicking Ashton of his mattress.

"Hey! Share." Pouted Ashton crossing his arms.

"But you have your own mattress!" Whined Luke.

"I just want to be closer to you." Pouted Ashton moving closer to Luke and giving him a hug, Luke pushed Ashton off his mattress and Ashton pretended to look sad but then he laughed.

"Lucy do you want to share your mattress with me?" Asked Ashton giving Luke a funny kind of glare, Luke just stuck his tongue out at Ashton.

"Okay Ash." Lucy smiled

"Awww isn't that cute she calls me Ash." Ashton smiled pointing at himself.

We made six packets of microwave popcorn and the bowl was overflowing, until Michael ate most of it.Each of us had a blanket and a pillow.

"Psst! Pass the skittles Luke." Whispered Michael.

"Here!" Luke whispered back and he threw a packet of skittles at Michael's face.

"Thanks." He whispered back looking annoyed.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Whispered Ashton half way through the movie, we were sharing a big blanket between us.

"Yep I'm fine." Lucy whispered back.

"Shhh!" Shushed Michael caught up in the emotion in the movie.

Ashton flipped him off.

Ashton turned back to Lucy and asked "Do you like the movie?"

"Yeah it's great!" I whispered back.

He smiled and we continued watching.

Ashton's POV:

In the middle of watching 'Wall-E'

Lucy fell asleep beside me,I tucked her in and placed a pillow underneath her head because she didn't have a pillow. Michael, Luke and Calum were messing around with the popcorn trying to fit as much as possible in Calum's mouth until Calum exploded.

"Goodnight Lucy." Whispered Ashton softly, rubbing her cheek softly.


Authors note: Yay! I finally had the chance to update! :) happiness!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I love it when everyone Votes, comments and follows so please keep it up!

I'm still on holidays and finding it hard to write but I still find the time ;)

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