Chapter 25: She's Back

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Edwin's POV

She's back, Ari is back.

I ran to her house as fast as I could, thank goodness she only lived a couple blocks down.

Once I reached her house, I noticed the police and everything surrounding her house.

I panted once I walked towards her front door, before I could reach the front door I noticed Jay.

He was handcuffed and being taken to a police car. When I noticed him, he noticed me and instead of giving an evil look that I expected. All I got was a blank look.

"Eddy ?" A soft voice from behind me called. I turned around to see Ariana.

I smiled, "Ari." With that I ran and went to give her a huge hug. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you right?'' I pulled away from her to check her for cuts or bruises.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I missed you." She replied, she was a lot more quite than she was before, but she was kidnapped.

"I missed you too, maybe we should go inside to relax and drink some hot coco?" I asked, looking down at her concerned.

She nodded and grabbed my hand, walking toward her house.

We walked into the kitchen where her family was sitting. They looked at me curiously when we walked in.

"Hi," I greeted them. Ariana smiled before she went to sit next to her Dad.

"Guys, this is Edwin. He's my. .friend." She introduced me.

"Hey, my names Frankie. I'm Ari's older brother." Frankie, said he had blonde hair and a slim physic. I nodded at him, with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Joan, Ariana's mother. This Edward, her father." Joan said, she had short black hair said. Sitting next to her was a man with dark hair also, he nodded at me in acknowledgment.

"Nice to meet you all." I replied with a nervous smile, I was a bit nervous to meet her parents. Especially considering the fact that I may or may not love their daughter/sister.

Ariana stood up from next to her seat," Alright guys, me and Edwin will be upstairs. Holler if you need us."

She started to walk up the stairs before she paused for a second a somewhat sad look crossing her features. "Love you guys. Coming Eddy?"

I nodded and followed her upstairs, but before I reached the top I heard someone say, "I like him, hope he sticks around."

I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing considering my internal turmoil about my feelings for Ari.

We entered Ari's room and sat on her bed. I reached out to her and grabbed her close, giving her a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault you were kidnapped." I told her.

She frowned, "No, it's not." She replied, reaching out to rest her hand on my cheek. "You didn't do anything to make Jay take me. Don't blame yourself ok?"

I frowned, feeling a bit unnerved. "But I knew he was there." I confessed, pulling away from Ariana.

"Before you came to meet me at the park, Jay came and confronted me about you." I paused.

Looking up at Ariana, her face was blank.

"After threatening me he left and than you came." I began to become a bit frustrated; with myself of course.

"I thought he left, I swear I didn't know he was still there." I cried, I didn't want her to hate me, I didn't know.

"You knew he was still there and you didn't say anything?" She gasped, before standing up and pacing her room.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, "I didn't know."

She sighed, "Its ok, you didn't know." She replied, but I had a feeling she didn't mean it.

"I forgive you."

She doesn't mean it.


A/N : hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Do you guys think that Eddy and Ari will end up together or nah?

And does Ari really mean it?





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