Chapter 21: Comfort & Reasuring

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Edwin's POV

I sat in Phill's office, it was the typical everyday office, sleek and modern.

Phill was sitting behind his desk going through some papers. It's been like this for the past 5 minutes.

Finally, he looked up, "Ok, Mr. White. You were there when Miss Grande was taken, am I correct ?" He folded his hands and asked me.

I nodded, unsure if I should add the description of Jay.

"Can you please describe who took her, and if you know why ?" As Phill continued to question me he took notes. I'm assuming on what I was saying.

"I can," My voice was slightly shaky, because I hadn't spoke till now. "He was a shorter than me, tattoos and piercings. He was white, and looked to be around the ages 19-20. Brown hair, brown eyes." I explained to him what Jay looked like.

He nodded indicating that I was to continue.

"His name is Jay Brooks an he was Ariana's ex." When I said this, for some reason Phill sat up just a bit more, leaning slightly closer to me. His body language told me he was now more interested and was more attentive than before.

"The reason he took Ariana was because he was 'in love' with her, as he would say, before he shot me he was explained to me that Ari was his and that the reason why she wasn't with him was because I was in the way." My voice shook, in my mind I couldn't help but think 'Its my fault she's gone, if only I had let her be...'

Phill stopped writing and asked me, "Are you alright?" I shook my head, I was for from alright. Before I could stop, I burst into tears.

"Because of me she's with him, her life is in danger because of me!" I laid my head on Phill's desk, "Why couldn't I have let her be!" I started to sob, I couldn't help it.

I felt hands rubbing my back soothingly, "It's not your fault, young man. This Jay is obviously insane, he's not in the right state of mind." Phill spoke softly, his words comforting. "But with your help we could be able to find her, and things will get better. Alright ?"

I nodded, "Alright." I said quietly.

With that's he continued to question me, it went on for 2 more hours, by then Phill had all the information he needed.

"Ok, we're done for now. Thank you for answering these questions, we will try to find your girlfriend as soon as we can." Phill told me, after packing up his stuff.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in, "Please find her, I don't know what iI'd do without her in my life." I paused, my vision started to blur. "Especially since I could have prevented it."

Phill rested his hand on my shoulder, "Like I said before son, it's not your fault. The man who kidnapped her is mentally unstable." Phill said in a reassuring voice,

"I can't promise that we'll find her but I can promise that we will try everything we can to find her ok?"

I nodded, "Ok, thank you once again."


Heyyyy, ok I know I'm a little late with this update (decided to update every 4/5 days) but I did it!

I know it's kinda boring, it is a filler type chapter but yea.

Hope u enjoyed it! Also if u could check out my other story 'In The Spotlight' it's new and I haven't really started but read it and tell me what u think about it!

Not much to say today.





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