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I did everything for you.
You did nothing.

I always want to sit with you.
But you always run away from me.

We fight alot.
I always say sorry first.

I accept my not done mistake.
You never accepted your done mistake.

I take your harsh words light.
You take my damn joke so tight that you are ready to fight.

Time makes me know you so better ,
No one can describe you
Like me.
My dreams with you are  shatter.
As time has shown the real you.

I burned your page from my life's
Told my heart not to get attracted by someone's innocence look.

Only left,
To delete your memory from my brain.
To stop the feeling in my heart.

Last night,
Your tears were dripping like rain.
But your were worried about your reputation train.

I can stop myself from fighting with you.
But, I can't stop my heart from hating you.

I am done with you.
I am done with All.

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