Chapter 52

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3 months later:

"Congratulations, Mr Emir. Your son was born incredibly healthy and beautiful." The doctor informed Emir who was pacing at the waiting room.
"Are you telling me the truth, huh? My wife? Is she okay?" His eyes were flickering uncontrollably.
"We overcame a huge obstacle. Thankfully, they were brought here in time and we could save both of them."

*Flashback, 3 hours earlier.*

"You won't see this guy anymore! You won't!" Emir raised his finger on Zeynep's face.
"You can't tell me what to do! Salih is like my brother! He makes me feel better! Am I about to go crazy with all this, don't you get it?"
"Don't make ME crazy! How long will this go on?! Every weekend you're gonna leave our house to meet with him? What is this, Zeynep!?!" He took threatening steps towards her which made her instinctively move back. "For three months now I've said nothing, because you told me that there is nothing going on! I believed you! Now, I'm not so sure anymore."
"Do you hear yourself?!" Zeynep suddenly shouted, eyeing Emir incredulously. "I am 8 months pregnant! With your child! What are you- what are you talking about for God's sake!" Rubbing her hands on her face, she turned her back on him.
"I-" He hesitated, biting his lower lip. "I didn't mean it like that..." Realizing he said something stupid because of his anger, he walked to her trying to put his hands on her shoulders.
"Let me!" Zeynep moved abruptly away, clearly devastated from his words. In the next seconds, she grabbed her coat from the bed and walked outside their bedroom.
"Where are you going? Zeynep! Come back here!" He reached her just before she walked down a step.
"Leave me, I want to take some air." She was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself.
"Our house is full of oxygen, God bless it." His ironic tone, infuriated her even more.
"Emir, let me go. I will come back as soon as I feel better."
"Where will you go in this condition, huh?! This is my child, Zeynep!" Shaking her arm, his hold got tight.
"For God's sake, let me breathe!" She suddenly raised her voice, giving him a light push which made her misstep and lose her balance backwards.
"ZEYNEP!" Emir's agonizing voice filled the room as he witnessed his little one falling down the stairs in a roll.
Zeynep landed on the floor unconscious, not moving an inch.
"ALLAH!" Eda and Efsane rushed to her.
"Zeynep... Zeynep..." Emir stood still for seconds until he realized what had happened in front of his eyes. "No, no... No." He mumbled, literally running down the staircase.
"My little one... My dearest... Open your eyes... Open your eyes, Zeynep." He held her face softly, looking down to check her out. "My son... CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He ordered, seeing a pool of blood between Zeynep's legs.
"Don't do this... Don't do this... You will be alright..." Nodding his head at himself, his kissed her face all over. "My Zeynep... My brave little one... My courageous little one... Hold on, it's okay... I'm so sorry, I am. Believe me..." Tears escaped the corners of his eyes, cursing himself silently for what he caused to her.
"WHERE IS THE AMBULANCE?! I will take her to the hospital myself..." He kneeled closer, taking Zeynep into his arms carefully.
"If you didn't move her-" Efsane began, sniffling.
"Move away." Emir ordered, passing by them with Zeynep in his arms.
"Hold on, my beautiful... I will not let you leave me... Not like this..." Making all the way down to the garage, he saw the ambulance arriving at the entrance.
"Let us take her, sir." The paramedics took Zeynep into the car quickly, inviting Emir inside.
He sat by her side, caressing her forehead which was bruised. "Zeynep..." He smiled sadly. "This isn't funny... It really isn't, open your eyes... Come on... Do you think it is that easy to leave me? It isn't... I am Emir Kozcuoğlu, you are Zeynep Kozcuoğlu... You can't leave me, do you hear me? You will when the time is right... You're going to be really old... I will die first, not you... My little one... You are my little one..." His hands started shaking, as he relaxed the collar of his shirt by undoing a button. He felt like he was having trouble to breathe, something was stuck on his throat.
Arriving at the hospital, a doctor quickly inspected Zeynep by pressing onto her stomach.
"We need to take her to surgery as soon as possible! The baby is lacking oxygen!" He shouted at the others, making them follow him to the operation room.
Before Emir could process what was just said, they left him at the waiting room. His head was about to explode. What is going on? How did one simple argument led to this? What if the baby didn't survive? What if Zeynep had some serious damage?

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