Chapter 18

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"Explain." Emir was discussing the most recent news about his company with one of his lawyers.
"The only way you can save yourself is by denying you took any part in those activities... The company is doomed, sir. But you can still play your last card." The lawyer informed him as they were sitting in the meeting room.
"My father will go to jail though, right?"
"He will, sir... But just like he instructed us, you can put the whole blame on him."
"And then?" Emir was looking down the whole time.
"And then when your innocence is proven, you can leave the country. You have enough money offshore for a lifetime."
"I'll think about it... I have to go through my divorce case." Standing up in a sudden, he left the room.
During the past week, Kemal had presented Emir the contract of a lifetime. His innocence and his name against Nihan's freedom. If he denied he wouldn't even have a worthy name anymore. Not even a rock to hide behind. Everything illegal he ever did with the company would come to light
He had to accept, he had to keep his dignity somehow.. He was a Kozcuoğlu.
Nihan had left along with Deniz, causing hım to lose the ground from his feet. He had no one to hold to, no one to obsess over... His mother was trying to change him, making him someone he wasn't. He was no Saint and he could never be.
His father would go to jail soon, paying for everything he has done in the past. Making the Kozcuoğlu Holding a colossus came out of dirty money, no one could deny that anymore.
Emir was in a dead end. He was losing everything he had fought for piece by piece. If one thing would be left, that would be his own self. His fucked up self.
There was no reason in his existence... Not anymore... Nihan was gone, Deniz was gone...
"Poyraz..." He thought while he was driving to the unknown. "My son..." The thought made him smile. If anything he still owed something valuable.

Zeynep wasn't in the best moods. What was happening with Emir was saddening her. She would never want to see him so destroyed and alone. No matter what he did to her, he never deserved this. When she raised to go back to the living room, she heard Kemal talking to Zehir in their parents' room.
"Is everything ready? Of course... The moment Emir divorces Nihan, the USB will go to the police."
'Which USB?' Zeynep thought, leaning closer to the door.
"His dirts will come to light, tomorrow. No one can save that asshole, Zehir... I won't even leave him a place to breathe."
"No..." She mouthed, taking some steps back. They didn't agree to this. Zeynep knew what Kemal had offered in exchange and it wasn't this...
She had to work on her own this time. Her brother wasn't being fair for the first time in his life. He meant when he said that he will destroy Emir. But she couldn't let it happen. He had already lost too much. Leaving Poyraz without his father wouldn't be a choice.

"Asu?" She called her later at night.
"What do you want, Zeynep?"
"I need to talk to you about something important. Can we meet tomorrow morning?"
"Why? What happened?"
"Please, meet me tomorrow. Don't say anything to Emir."
"Okay, I'll come pick you up."
"Thank you. Goodnight."

Next day Asu went to pick up Zeynep.
"So tell me... What's up, Zeynep?" Asu asked her while they got sitted at a seaside cafe.
"My brother is-, You need to take Emir out of Turkey..." She talked fastly.
"Why?" Asu seemed clueless.
"Just listen... He will go to jail and never come out if he stays here... When the divorce hearing is over, take him and leave."
"I don't unders-"
"ASU! He will go to jail! Listen to me, please. Just take him away before it is too late." She begged her, her eyes tearing up.
"But he won't just leave, you know him! What is going to happen, do you know something?" Asu asked, eager to know.
"All I know is that you need to take him and leave. Don't let him go to jail, I'm begging you..." Zeynep sniffled, turning her face away.
"Do you love him that much? Even after everything?"
"Don't you still love my brother despite everything?" She spoke sympathetically.
Asu lowered her head down, licking her lips.
"How will I persuade Emir to leave?" She questioned Zeynep a few minutes later.
"So will you help me?" Zeynep smiled widely.
"I will... Emir is the only one who understands me in this world... I can't let him go."
"You don't know how relieving it is to hear you say that..." Zeynep sighed. "Emir is not bad, I know it first hand... The situations made him like this..."
Asu just looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer to her question.
"What time is the hearing over?"
"In about half an hour from now..." Asu checked her watch.
"Can you take me there? I want to talk to him at once."
"Okay yes, if you think you can persuade him." Asu stood up, grabbing her things.
"He has no other choice, Asu... Leave me there and go arrange the fake passports, alright?" Zeynep followed her to the car.

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