Chapter 1

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It was late night. Hakan brought Zeynep back to the motel after he took her for dinner. Zeynep wasn't in a good mood at all. Her mind was wandering everywhere, to her parents that kicked her out, to her brothers whom she disappointed, even to Emir... Emir... Everything happened because of him... And he wanted to lock her in a golden cage to make up for it... To ease his conscience...
She couldn't have accepted, she couldn't... That God damned love she was still feeling for him would disappear if he kept her by his side like this. Like a plain mistress...
A mistress... That's what she only was to him?

"Zeynep?" Hakan pulled her out of her thoughts. "We're here." He told her after she raised her eyes on his.
Nodding her head, she slowly got out of the car.
At that moment Emir arrived at the place, seeing Hakan's car parked on the front.
Narrowing his eyes in curiosity, he quickly pulled his car aside and got out. With quiet steps he hid behind a nearby car to hear their conversation. How unlike him.

"I like you a lot, Zeynep... You know it..." Hakan was standing in front of her, placing his scarf around her neck.
Zeynep was balancing her weight from her one foot to the other nervously, looking down.
"Come live with me... You will be more comfortable there... Plus..." He raised her face up with his hand. "I will take care of you."
"Hakan, I-" She pushed his hand down. "Goodnight."
She was about to turn away when he grabbed her hand to keep her still.
"Zeynep... Give me a chance." His eyes begged her. "Don't you want to get rid of him? I will help you."
"Hakan... Goodnight." She repeated, sighing heavily.
"I love you." He said out loud, making her freeze in her tracks.
Emir smiled all annoyed, clenching his fists.
"Go back to the hole where you came from..." He mouthed, rolling his eyes.
"Hakan, don't do this... I am in a sensitive state and I really, really don't have the courage to think about anything else. We'll talk another time, okay? Goodnight." She slightly smiled at him and headed inside.
"Goodnight..." Hakan trailed, looking at her as she walked. After a few seconds he got in his car and left, disappointment written all over his face.

"Good riddance." Emir shook his head in disbelief and went into the building to find her.
Zeynep had just laid down to relax. A soft knock, made her stood up to check who it was.
Opening the door, she fell into someone she would never expect to see so soon after their last meeting.
"Why so shocked, my little one? Your manners got weak, invite me in." He told her in his knowingly tone, raising his eyebrows.
Zeynep moved away, making space for him to enter. "What do you want?"
"Order me a glass of whiskey, first." He sat down on the couch, crossing his legs.
"What do you want?" She repeated louder, getting annoyed.
"Always in a hurry for the main course, aren't you?" He eyed her attentively, turning his head to the side. He looked like he was thinking about something.
"I'm tired and not in the mood for your riddles. Say whatever you want to say and leave." She sighed, sitting down on the bed.
"What makes you think you can kick me out?" He stood up, going close to her. "Your revolution was quite fun while it lasted... " He tapped on her nose with his finger. "Now... Pack your clothes like a good girl, you are coming with me."
"Are you crazy? I'm not going anywhere with you." Zeynep laughed, turning her head away.
Emir puckered his lips, looking into her eyes without blinking. This meant he was serious.
"I'm not coming with you, Emir! Leave!" She stood up, trying to pass by his side.
"Why?" He held her arm strongly. "Do you need time to think about other invitations?"
"What are you saying?! Let. Me!" She tried to free herself but in vain. Emir was gripping her even more strongly to the point it was painful.
"That's why you refused me? Did you wrap another victim in your spider web?" His voice was bitter with a hint of hate.
"You are disgusting!" She pushed his face away.
His hand found her neck instantly, pushing her to the wall. "DO. NOT. PROVOKE. ME." He warned her emphatically, his eyes hinting craziness. "You are mine, until I say otherwise." He whispered near her lips, leaving a short kiss between her mouth and cheek. "Pack your things." He repeated, letting her neck go.
"I don't want to go with you..." She teared up, her hand caressing her neck. "Don't make me lose any trace of love for you inside me... Don't."
"I, make the rules here!" Emir pointed at himself. "Nobody in this life dumps me, Zeynep. Especially not you. Pack your bags." He flickered his eyes, looking away.
That's what he did. Always belittling her was the easiest way to deal with her and ignore his "human" feelings.
"You will make me hate you..." She whispered, not moving an inch.
"Nice joke. Now pack." He told her indifferently with his back on her.
Truth is that he didn't want to pressure her like that. Seeing Hakan close to her though, saying all those things... He saw red. Of course, she would never know that. She shouldn't take more credit than she deserves. He loves Nihan anyway. Or that's what he likes to believe.

After a few minutes, Zeynep had packed her bag. She zipped it and waited, looking up at him.
"Come on..." He signaled her with his eyes to move along. Thankfully his tone was softer than before.
After he paid for her stay, they got into his car. They were silent throughout the ride. Zeynep was looking outside the window, a few tears escaping her eyes as Emir had his eyes glued ahead, stealing a few glances of her.
They reached the house. Emir went to open her door, waiting for her for a while. She seemed like she was thinking of something before she finally decided to get off. Her head was down, she just wanted to get over with it.
"Your room is this one... The biggest. Make yourself comfortable, this is your house now." He spoke in a calm voice, waiting for her reaction.
Zeynep nodded her head, leaving her bag down. She looked around, realizing how this house would be her prison from now on. A prison of feelings and thoughts she wouldn't be able to escape from.
"Say something." Emir asked her, waiting for something, anything.
"I have nothing to say... I told you before, this house will be my golden cage and nothing more." She ran her fingers through her hair.
"Don't be sure about that..." He trailed, going closer to her. His hand touched the side of her neck, examining her pulse. His thumb rubbed her cheek slowly. Moving even closer, he bend over her neck, inhaling her scent. Zeynep started breathing faster, closing her eyes.
Emir smiled as he left a kiss on her shoulder, feeling how sensitive she was at his touch. His hand traveled under her blouse, touching her bare belly. Zeynep gritted her teeth and moved away from him, even though she needed his touch so much.
"I am tired." She exclaimed, turning to grab something out her bag.
Emir was left frozen, his eyes looking around the floor. He didn't like that she moved away. Was she avoiding him now?
"Careful, little one..." He warned her, furrowing his brows. "You don't want my patience to run out." Without a second look at her, he left the room.
Zeynep burst into tears the moment she heard the main door shutting. Her legs gave out, making her fall on her knees.
"Help me, Allah..." She cried out uncontrollably, placing her face in her palms.
What is she going to do now? If Kemal or Tarik find out, she'll be finished, finished for good.


Here it goes!
It literally has no similarities with the first one, that's what I wanted to achieve anyway.
Buckle up because a lot of events will be coming your way. I wanted to let you get a taste of my second story before I bury myself in my books.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! 🌹

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