Where Were You In the Morning? 26

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Nothing was more painful than to hear Kinsley cry the way she did. I feel there's so much she can hold in and control that eventually she needed to let it all out. She was holding in so much that she released everything. I still won't understand what happened with the night she lost her dad. Maybe one day she'll tell me, maybe she won't. I just have to wait, it would just be wrong for me to say I understand when I don't.
We were laying in her bed, and she was sound asleep. Her head laid gently against my chest as I was rubbing my hand up and down her back softly. I can't get the image of her and her body out of my head. She was nothing but pure innocence and she nearly takes my breath away. She makes me happy. She really does. I carefully moved her head to her pillow getting up from the bed as quiet as I could. I slipped on my gray sweats and leaned giving her a kiss on her head. I walked out her door quietly and walked down the hallway. I looked to my right at a door that seemed to be closed forever. The dust buried on the cracks, and the rust on the handle. I ran my fingers in my hair knowing she would never forgive me because it was her dads room. But I needed to go in. I looked down the hallway one more time and walked straight for the door. I opened it peaking my head through and there was nothing but silence. I stepped in softly closing it behind me. I turned to my left to the switch on the wall and turned it up as the lamp in the right corner turned on. There was a nice king bed right in the center of the wall. Gray and white sheets with matching pillows. Next to it was a dresser of stainless Steele, the nobs were glass and on top were picture frames of him and Kinsley. I walked looking at every one of them. The first one to the right was Kinsley maybe about 8 years old on her dads shoulder at Disneyland. She had a giant Goofy hat that nearly outsized her little head. She was laughing as her dad was smiling with sunglasses on. Next to it was Kinsley smelling a flower. It seemed to have been taken recently, she had a white flower dress on and her hair was curled. She had a gentle smile, the one my heart beats for. She looked so happy and at peace, she looked absolutely beautiful. I reached grabbing the frame taking the picture out of it, I turned it around and the date read September 27th. I was little confused on how this picture was in if her dad died before then. I didn't think too much of it as I placed it back. I turned away from the dresser and across was a 60 inch flat screen tv on the wall across from the bed. He had a table with a vase but the flowers were dead. I walked to the bathroom as the cold title tickled my feet. His shower had all glass walls and his tub was glass and clear. I walked to his closet and it could have easily been another room. He had a sections for suits, ties, shoes, dress up shirts, regular shirts, shorts, pants, slacks, everything you could think of. I walked out and straight to another desk. There were files all over it, but hard to read because of the dust that has piled on it for so long. I didn't have a shirt on to wipe everything off, so I used my hand and didn't realize how beautifully the table was made out of. The wood had to been hand carved and professionally delivered. I was taken back. I sat on the chair it came with and opened up the small drawer that was attached to the table. My heart immediately sank when letters filled the whole thing making it difficult to open all the way. I pulled some out not believing what they read. For her wedding. One read. When she's pregnant. Another read. The man who asked for my permission. I felt extreme ache in my body. I quickly put them away because the sight was gonna make my soon ache to be tears. I stood up pushing the chair back in the way he left the last time he was in this room. I began walking back to the door as I hit my hip on another table closer to the end of his bed. A small box fell from it as I reached down picking it up. I opened it and there lied a had to be 10,000 wedding ring. My eyes widen by the sparkle that nearly blinded me. A letter came falling down as I kneeled on one knee. I placed the box down opening the letter and it read,
Hey, it's Matt,
I bought this for you because I wanted to make sure you gave Kinsley something beautiful like her soul. If you're the man who loves my daughter and you don't have a lot, this is my treat because she deserves the world. She's deserves my world. The moment she was born my whole life changed. I went from being the biggest asshole everyone hated to the most loved man everyone knew. I grew up with nothing. I was a small boy from Oklahoma who walked around turning in cans for 7 cents trying to make enough to give my sister some food. I don't ever want anyone to experience that. Especially not a man like you. Wether I lived long enough to give this to you or not long at all, either way you still were gonna receive this. Take care of my baby. There's gonna be a point where I won't be here anymore and someone needs to take care of her. No matter how stubborn, strong, or how okay she says she is. She needs help, and sometimes needing help isn't a bad thing. As long as it's for the right reason. Take her on adventures and make her laugh. Make her smile, and make her mad. Just find a way to make her feel. I wasn't every good at that at times. So I'm asking you to cover and pick up my slack. It's not about money or looks, it's about who will love you till the end of time, so my young man. Keep that in you heart because your heart beats for someone one time, don't waste it. Especially on her.
Matthew March
A small tear fell from my eyes as it landed on the ink of the paper. I respectfully closed the letter and the box of the ring placing under the table where I knocked it from. I walked toward the door shutting the lights behind me. I closed it and walked down to Kinsley room where there was still asleep. I leaned back to the side of the bed were I originally was and went under the covers. I pulled her close to me holding onto her. I didn't want to let her go. I didn't want her to hurt anymore because when she's like this, not feeling the pain of her dad then I'm happy. I don't understand why things happen. Better yet, I don't understand why we lose people. When we lose someone we lost a part of ourselves we can't get back. When we lose someone we begin to question everything we know because we still haven't wrapped our head around the fact the most precious thing in our lives is gone. I wish I met her dad, I wish I had the chance to walk to him and shake his hand and introduce myself as the man who was falling in love with your daughter. I can't do that, I can't have that opportunity and she won't have that opportunity to see it. I wanna make everything right for her. I wanna make sure she loves herself before she could love anyone else. I just need to know how, and that's the hard part.

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