Fate (Ace x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Ah, thanks." You barely say above whisper as you were shy and humiliated in front of this man. You shove your belongings safely in your messenger bag as you both rise to your feet.

"No problem." He said. You blush peering down. This was the first time you've ever heard him speak and it was quite deep and attractive. You also couldn't believe he actually heard you. He smiles softly at you once you look at him. You sadly look down too shy to stare at him. He frowns wondering why you would look away from him. He meant no harm. "Those guys were jerks. They shouldn't have done that. I can. Kick their ass if you'd like?" You recall what Lance said and began to panic.

"N-no! Please don't. It's in the past now. Nothing we can do. Thank you." You mumble. The boy turns to the pouring rain.

"Looks like the rain doesn't plan on stopping if we plan to walk." You didn't know why, but an idea occurred to you. You bravely pull out your umbrella out and shyly look up to him.

"I-I have an umbrella. If you want we can walk home together?" The teen looks at you surprised causing you to freak as if you had done something wrong. No one has ever bothered to offer genuine kindness to him.

"Sure." He said easing you. "I'm Ace by the way." Ace. There was a name to that face you so adored. You nod in acknowledgment.

"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you." You replied.

A mile later, you arrive to his doorstep. It was an awkward silence between the two of you. You were too shy to talk and making conversation wasn't exactly your best forte. Ace on the other hand assumed you were somewhat afraid of him just like everyone else so he kept silent yet felt the need to say something to keep you from being nervous as you so displayed the entire walk.

"Wow nice home." You mumble. Very isolated with a lovely garden and woods surrounding the area.

"Yeah it is." He murmured. You figured now that you had dropped him off on the porch, you should turn around and leave before the sun sets.

"Well.....it was nice walking with you. Enjoy the rest of your day." You spin on your heel ready to trot away. Ace frowns wanting to say something. To keep you here. It would kill him if he let you go in this rain. You might even catch a cold with how wet your shoes were getting. The front door swings open as you're greeted by his older sister. A brunette wearing a hoodie and snug leggings in her slippers.

"Wow! Ace you brought a friend. I was wondering whom was here. Such a surprise." She chirps. Your eyes widen as you are familiar with the woman.

"Miss Portgas?" You asked unsure. Said woman turns to you and gasps as you remove the umbrella and your hood to reveal yourself. She recognized you and immediately held you in a welcoming embrace.

"(Y/n)! Oh it's so good to see you again dear! How are you?" She started

"I'm fine ma'am thank you. I just started high school a few months ago."

"Your first school. How nice. I guess your parents set you in Ace's school. What a coincidence to see you again." She said.

"Yeah it is. I didn't know you had a son." Ace averts his gaze slightly embarrassed.

"Oh no! He's my baby brother. He's been living with me and my husband since he was ten." You frown gaining and idea of what might have happened and clear as to why he did what he did in the past stories. Ace groans pushing through his sister to remove his shoes and back pack. "I apologize for his rude behavior. He gets like this when I embarrass him." She giggles.

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