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??? POV

I'm walking home, my dark blue hood up and earbuds in, listening to some music, mostly Lemon Demon. I'm zoned out, just trying to get home so I can sleep.

"Bubble, what the hell! You got all of the answers wrong and now I have a B in math!" Ugh, Pencil and her 'alliance' are at it again, aren't they? God I hate Match. At least Pencil is a bit more distant, but Match is the worst.

I don't know why, but the blue haired girl, Bubble, always gets my attention. I feel an odd urge to protect her whenever she's getting bullied or teased by her own 'friends'. I can't exactly do anything, though. Pencil is popular, and I'm not, I try not to be, which would make me popular if I stood up to Pencil, which I don't want to be popular. Not to mention, she's incredibly cute, and a little shy, but I don't want people to find out that I'm... never mind.

To the people that do know me, I have a bit of a reputation of being uncaring and... to put it how they say it, a bitch, which is debatable. I don't really care what they think, though.

Whatever. It doesn't matter what they think, right? I feel myself tense up when I walk past the group, but out of the corner of my eye I see Pencil and Match having Bubble against a wall, scolding her. Before I know it, instinct kicks in, and I turn around, walking towards them.

"You seriously, like, didn't know the answer?" Match asks.

"P-please I swear I-it wont happen again." Bubble begs, on the verge of tears.

"Try harder next time, Bub, or your time at this school will be a living hell." Pencil scolds, crumbling the assignment in her fist.


"What did you say?" Pencil turns to me, confused, and then recognized me, "you're the one that I told Lightning to beat up back in freshman year, aren't you?" I don't flinch, standing my ground.

"Leave her alone." I say calmly, though I feel a fire rising in the back of my throat.

"Who, like, gave you the right to-"

"Stop pretending to care about her." I interrupt Match, and look at Bubble, who is looking at me in awe, but is also fearful. Pencil and Match look at each other for a second.

"Like, we don't deserve this kind of treatment, Fanny." My name comes out of Pencils mouth icy and dark, sending a shiver down my spine.

"F-Fanny, y-you don't need to.." Bubble whimpers, interrupted by Match.

"Shut up, Bemb!" She whisper-yells at the cowering girl. That's the last straw.

"Leave her alone or I swear I will wring your necks like fucking towels." I glare at them, and they seem slightly intimidated.

"Fine, but next time you'll have no warning." They say, and walk away, shoving me aside.

Bubble runs over to me and hugs me, causing a slight heat to come to my cheeks, "Oh my gosh, are you ok?" She asks, still clinging to me.

"I-I'm fine, don't worry about it."

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