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(SURPRISE! SUITCASE POV CHAPTER! I might do one of these every once in a while :P )

A couple weeks later...

I get up, feeling terrible, as always. I've never been a morning person, but school makes you get up this early. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when we didn't get up at 6 in the morning, but time machines haven't been invented yet, so I can't. I take in the smell of tea coming from downstairs, which makes me wake up faster. I get my clothes on, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, and grab my backpack. When I go downstairs, I see my mom sitting on the couch watching the news with a cup of tea in her hand.
"Hi Mom!" I smile, and she sees me and smiles back.
"Hey Suitcase, I made tea for you, its black tea." She gets up and puts the cup she had in the kitchen sink. I pour myself some of the tea into a paper cup, and I wave goodbye to her. When I step outside, I head towards school.

I've been feeling stressed lately, with schoolwork and such, but also, Nickel has been acting weird, he's changed. He used to be more expressive, at least around Baseball and I, even if it was just the occasional smile. But now he is just cold, lifeless, and it scares me. My mom always tells me I worry too much, which is really ironic, since she's, well, my mom. I just hope everything's ok.

As for Balloon, I feel as if something's off. I really do love him, and I hope he knows that, but it seems like he doesn't know. And people have been giving him a hard time recently, writing rude things on his locker, gossiping about him. I want to stand up for him, but I'm scared. I don't know why, but I'm scared Nickel and Baseball will leave me.

Before I know it, I'm at school. I walk to my locker, getting my things, when I see a girl with green hair getting pushed around. That's it, I don't care what happens to me anymore. I slam my locker shut and walk over.

"Aw come on, just accept your a jerk on the inside." Someone says.

"Hey, how about you leave her alone!" I get I between the girl and her bully. She seems surprised, but the bully doesn't like it one bit.

"Do you know who I am, pip?" He snickers. I tremble a bit, but stay where I am and say nothing.

"I guess not, I'm Blocky, and if you want to stay alive, you better stay out of the way. This is a warning, if this happens again, your dead" he walks away after that, leaving me and the- oh wait, she's gone. Well, I guess it's ok. I pick my things up off the ground, where I left them, and head to class.

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